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her hands twitched with the pencil, writing slowly in cursive. the handwriting disguise not working so well.

'dear midoriya,
some people dont like you, because your quirk doesn't do you good. but i like it, i think you're very brave :)
anyway, you're probably wondering who i am, but i can't tell you because you make me nervous.
your secret admirer'

her palms started to glow a yellow ochre, as she placed her hand over the small note. it fluttered away, a small spell placed on it to take it to the locker of the taller boy.

she knew that midoriya probably didn't know her, she didn't want to take the hero course. instead turning to general studies, resting her head down out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of green.

standing up and pushing her chair in, the girl collected herself and tapped the green boys shoulder.

he jumped and turned around "oh, hey!"

her heart fluttered as her soft brown eyes met green ones "um, hey, i was wondering if, maybe we could, you know," she choked "study together?"

his eyes shined, before realization hit him "i remember you! you were the cool witch from the sports festival."

'he remembers me?' she blushed "um yeah, thats me." she contained her squeals of excitement "oh! sorry, im kōfuku! but you can call me majo!"

"I'm midoriya izuku, nice to meet you, majo," she had half the mind to say 'yeah i know' but that was too stalker.

"anyway, i can tell you more about my quirk, but we'll need to sit down," majo nervously shuffled back to her seat, midoriya following suit, fairly excited.

the boy pulled out his journal and prepared himself "what should i start with, offense or defense? or drawbacks? or you can sketch a possible hero suit, if i ever wanted to be one?"

"wait- you don't want to be a hero? but you have such a powerful quirk?"

"yeah.. i just think my quirk could do better as something else," she explained resting her head on the table.

"i understand, you can start with basic information!"

"have you ever seen marvel movies? think.. doctor strange!" the girl flashed a smile "i can make force fields, hold things off, get rid of things, make portals. oh something really cool i can do is i can personifise objects!" she demonstrated by twiddling her fingers as they glew a yellow. the pencil near her shot up and bended in unnatural ways, but she released quickly.

"thats so cool!" midoriya excitedly jumped as he scribbled down some notes, majo's heart fluttering in the process.

"i've got a familiar too! i can call him or something if you want. my powers can also heal and do things to other people, i would tell you my weaknesses, but you know- doesn't really benefit me?"

"i understand!"

"so midoriya, tell me about your quirk, or maybe ill read your mind o o o," she started to giggle as she wiggled her fingers.

"i-i uh- how about you show me your familiar?" he sputtered out nervously fidgeting.

the girl was instantly sidetracked and smiled, relief washed over midoriya as he rested. her eyes scanned the room as she pulled a voice muffler out of her bag, putting it on her face.

"the calls are super loud! so i have to take precaution because it could make you deaf!" she shouted, but it came out as a mid-whisper. she intertwined her fingers, and began to whistle, the tone getting louder than the tone before.

a small yellow orb appearned to the left of her small specks of dust flying out, as two animals fell out. there was a sleek black cat wailing because an owl had its ear clamped in their beak. the green haired boys eyes shined, this quirk was one in a billion.

"fezā! get off kodoku!" she howled pulling the owl off the cat "sorry midoriya, fezā here is my familiar, my moms a standard witch, and kodoku is her familiar, i guess they both got here because of fezā's attachment."

"thats so cool!" the boy put his hand out for the owl, and it nervously sniffed his finger.

"fezā thinks you're p-pretty," a blush spread like wildfire over both of their faces "i have to get going? it would be cool if we could hang out some other time."

"y-yeah i'd like that," he sent a smile her way as he watched her walk away, the two animals following suit.

as soon as she was out of the library she pressed her back against the outside wall 'all mights successor huh?'

yAy its finished, im super proud of this one chief. i feel like its not good though, but its the first thing ive been close to finishing, like this was just quirk shit and some little fluff, but the next chapter will be better.

842 words

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