The Good, The Bad, And The... Worse..

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Yishai woke up in a strange place. There were strange large pipes with a green fluid of some sort containing other people in them all around him, and he was in one as well. He could breathe, but he couldn't talk. Looking around, he noticed a screen on the top of his tube. On the screen, there was a button that said, "CONTINUE" under text that said "GOOD MORNING, SUBJECT L." Yishai pressed the button and it went to a screen with blue lines as the background and bright red text that said: "HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY?" And it listed a bunch of different emotion words. Yishai pressed, "SCARED" and, "CONFUSED." It was then that he noticed some people also pressing buttons on their screen and then their chamber door opening. They walked out of their chambers and rushed into another room through a glowing neon door which contrasted with the harsh, dull, grey concrete in the room he was in at the moment. The screen then said, "GREAT TO HEAR THAT!" And then showed a nice large yellow smiley emoticon. The green fluid all drained out and his chamber door opened. "Hey, you new here?" Someone marked subject LI rushed over to Yishai. "Yes, yes I am." "Nice to meet you I guess. I'm Exoteriko." Exoteriko then reached out his hand to shake Yishai's. Yishai decided to be polite and shake his hand. "We've been waiting for someone suitable for a subject L." "Why is that? And what do you mean 'We?'" "I, You, and Blaid is what I mean by 'We,' and now that there's an L, LI, and LII, we get to have a room instead of having to live and sleep in chambers." "Who is Blaid?" "Blaid is the morally worst of the 'cycles' batch. Anyway, we should get over to the cafeteria to eat breakfast." As they walked, they exchanged conversations. "This place seems awfully like a prison." "Well once we get in a batch of three, we get our own apartment room and we get an international food court with some amazing food." "Well I guess that sounds okay." Just then, a holographic screen popped up from Yishai's screen on his suit that he didn't notice until then. And in large blue letters, it said: "HE'S ONLY BEING NICE TO YOU BECAUSE YOU GOT HIM THE 3 PEOPLE PRIVILEGES." Yishai didn't know what to think of this, but he just tried to ignore it for the time being. Yishai and Exoteriko both sat down and started eating when a fight broke out. The fight consisted of a guy with a dragon tattoo and a scar on his face and someone with two devil looking horns, or at least Yishai assumed that he had two because half of his face was covered in bandages. A ripped sleeve, and no hands. He had no hands. Zero hands were attached to his arms. Despite the severe lack of hands he had, the dragon tattoo guy started choking and Blaid was making strangling motions, or his arms were where they would be if he had hands to strangle someone. He fell to the ground and Exoteriko rushed over to his body. "The Thirteen Clock," he whispered. "I'll be taking that!" One of the dragon tattoo guy's cohorts yelled. Exoteriko was sensible enough to know that he would not win a fight against the dragon tattoo guy's cohort, and he walked back to his table. Nobody even bothered to see if dragon tattoo guy was okay, they just kept eating their meals. The meals weren't terrible, they were a little above average but nothing too special. "What was that about?" "The thirteenth clock is an ancient relic that I've been searching for." "Oh, like the things Arika Lamphear had to collect in Lifeline 2: Bloodline to save her brother?" "I have no idea what that is." "Oh, what does this thirteenth clock do?" "If the person wearing it feels they are in a life-threatening situation, it has a 50/50 percent chance to stop time for 1 minute." "Interesting." All of a sudden, a voice came on the speaker. "May subject L, LI, and LII come to the experimentation room?"

Hello! This is adnny. I'll try to make another part every day but that will mean that every "chapter" will be around 700-1000 words. And for anybody who doesn't know, L is fifty in roman numerals, which means that LI and LII and 51 and 52 respectively. Goodbye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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