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This was something you'd only see in fanfictions. The ones that were written by angsty teenaged weebs that had made some weird OC or reader-insert, almost always one with some tragic backstory, nekos would somehow get involved, and the protags would say I love you's after three chapters. I can't forget to mention the OOC tendencies that they would shove down characters throats. I cringed just thinking about it - being that I had been the same way at the horrendous age of 13.

Although, I tried my best to keep it to myself. Which meant that nobody should read any of my Google documents.

I do not want to exist in a world like that, I tried to humor myself as I sat in a panicked daze.

I felt as though my breathing was too loud in such a quiet forest, but I didn't know how to stop it without strangling myself to death. So, I didn't. I was probably overreacting anyways. Instead I tried to think more about my situation on hand.

Why it felt wrong to exist in this world was answered - because I wasn't supposed to nor did I want to. I watched Attack on Titan, but I only saw the first season. It was the only one out when I was in middle school. I read what manga was out at that time - and all in one day - I'd be damned if I remembered anything I read. I hadn't seen season two or three, I've never read any of the spinoffs, and I only learned there was a spinoff middle school series or something a few months ago. I had outgrown my AOT obsession. But that didn't mean I didn't like it still. I would rewatch an episode here and there, since it seemed to come on TV every now and again.

Did I think the story was cool and the characters, plot, and setting was amazing? Hell yeah.

Did that mean I wanted to live in this world, interact with the characters, and experience what they experienced? Hell no.

I didn't have an amazing life, but I didn't have a bad one either. Sure, there were rough patches, but that didn't mean I wanted to throw it away. I wasn't some quitter or emo kid that would talk about how much they hated their family whilst on an expensive family vacation. Like, spoiled much?

I shook my head, that tangent didn't do anything for me and this situation. I needed to go. Out of this world and back home to mine. I did not want to be vored by a giant lard baby. That would be the absolute worst. But how was that going to happen? I could sit here, but I doubt that'd solve anything.

I'd probably starve to death. Which... better death than titan chow, but... still, not the dream. My dream death? I hadn't thought about what it could be yet. I had a lot of things I wanted to do before then. I don't know what those things were either, but this wasn't it, Chief.

So, maybe I should find a way to the walls... my stomach squirmed as I was accepting this fact. How was I going to get to the wall? Was it far, and which way should I go?

I stood up again, trying not to think about the fact that I'm pantsless, and there's people swinging around from above. They probably live in a society where ankles are scandalous. And they were going to see my knees.

Frick, I look like a floozy.

I force air out my nose. My stomach seemed to start churning like a rough day at sea. To say I was scared to open my mouth in fear of vomiting would be an accurate statement.

I started to make a circle around the tree. Just to see both my options in where I should go. Thick brush scraped on my legs as I stumbled through. I really hoped there weren't any creepy-crawlies. Or thorns. Or titans.

Because that's a real threat to my life now.

On the other side of the tree sat more trees. Trees, trees, and trees. I looked back and forth, between what was currently in front of me and what was behind me.

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