Do You Believe in Miracles, Folks?

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November was coming to a close and with it was Thanksgiving break. Finally, a chance to get some space from all the drama in Tacoma, Washington and hopefully have a much calmer time in North Carolina. Blake hadn't talked to Madelaine since their fight at McKinley and that was normal for a breakup. Though the brunette couldn't help but read through their old text thread, she even kept the heart next to the girl's contact name. Of course, Nikki and her father did their best to distract her from the situation and pull her away from the phone. Nikki had started taking her on early morning runs before school, which Blake wasn't too fond of at first, but now that she's gotten into the habit of going she actually was glad that her sister dragged her out of bed at 5 am  every morning because it was a way of letting her frustration out. Plus, it built up her stamina and she would definitely need that for Regionals which were starting after the break.

"Blake, come on, let's go! we got to be at the airport at 3!" Her sister's voice rang through her room as the brunette groaned clearly not fond of the idea of waking up at 2 in the morning. Her eyes slowly opened as the lights switched on in her room and saw her sister standing in her doorway, "I don't like being up at this hour any more than you do, but Dad's making coffee for all of us. You can sleep on the plane, now get your ass out of bed."

The brunette sighed as she nodded and sat up bringing herself to the edge of her bed and standing to feel the cold tile floor of her bedroom as her sister left her to get ready for the airport. Which Blake didn't plan on dressing up for the airport, at most she would just throw on her hoodie, but she planned on staying comfortable for the flight. She grabbed her suitcase and carry-on making sure she had everything she needed for the flight. After double-checking everything, she stumbled her way out of her room and into the dimly lit hallway. She switched off the light in her room and rolled her suitcase into the kitchen where Nikki and their Dad were waiting for her. 

"Ready to head out, Blake?" Her Dad asked handing her a thermos that was probably filled with coffee. They would probably grab a quick bite to eat at Denny's or some other diner near the airport. Blake took a sip of her coffee and nodded mumbling a response as the blonde man chuckled slightly, "Neither one of you are a morning person. I used to get up this early in the Marines, You know? Never once complained about it either."

"Dad, we know. You've only told us this about a thousand times. We better get a move on unless we want to miss our flight." Nikki warned her father and though she was his daughter sometimes she acted like the other parental unit in the household. Blake, on the other hand, replaced Jaden with the role of helping their father load up the truck. He even let her back the truck out of the garage. The brunette helped her dad load up the suitcases in the back of his truck and then hopped off the tailgate once they were done.

"You're gonna hurt yourself one of these days by jumping off of things like that." Her dad said shaking his head at his daughter's seemingly reckless behavior. It was the most reckless she had been to his knowledge, at least. 

"Hey, no broken bones, yet," Blake said with a slight smile on her face with a shrug. Her father nodded and headed off to join Nikki in the car who was currently on the phone with Robin saying her goodbye to him. The brunette pulled out her own phone and clicked on her text message thread with Madelaine. She went back and forth in her own head trying to decide if she should text her. Explain what she meant by not being there on Thanksgiving. Her fingers glided across her keyboard trying to find the right way to address the situation, but nothing came to mind. Maybe it was because her brain couldn't think very well in the morning or because there was no way to explain without starting another fight, "No broken bones, just a broken heart." She mumbled under her breath.

"Blake! Come on, we need to get going." Her sister called from the passenger side window. The brunette shut off her phone and closed the tailgate. She got in the backseat and buckled herself into the middle seat. She was glad to have the backseat to herself because it meant she could curl up and catch an hour more of sleep before they arrived at the airport or a diner. It didn't matter really as long as she could sleep, "Finally, Robin wishes us all a safe flight."

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