Further Complications

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Hey guys! Quite a long chapter here I think...hope it's okay! Hopefully you haven't but if you've found this story boring so far I think this is where things really start to pick up pace! I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it! Love you all! -Eva xxxx

When he woke up, Liam couldn’t get Zayn’s crying face out of his head.

He couldn’t believe how much it had hurt him to see Zayn so hurt.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe we do have something.

He thought to himself.

That was the only way he could explain his outright pain for Zayn’s pain.

He was worried about him so much.

It would explain how much Zayn crept into his mind, especially during his intimate moments with Danielle.

It would also explain the steamy dream he’d had for the second night in a row in which him and Zayn we’re…well, doing steamy things.

Pushing these thoughts out of his head, Liam propped himself up a bit, taking in his surroundings.

Danielle was lying next to him, sleeping softly, a serene, peaceful smile on her face.

The bed sheets had gotten tangled in the night, and the whole top half of her body was exposed.

Usually, well-before he’d met Zayn-this was all Liam would need to get instantly aroused.

Danielle’s body was beautiful; she was a dancer, meaning she was perfectly toned.

But recently, it was thinking about Zayn that really aroused Liam.

Pretending Danielle was Zayn last night had been his way of climaxing.

God, there he went again, thinking about bloody Zayn.

“I have got to stop.”

He muttered to himself absently.


Danielle mumbled sleepily, her eyes half open.

“Shit sorry Danielle, did I wake you?”

Liam asked, smiling apologetically.

“Yeah but it’s fine, I was half awake anyway.”

She smiled at him warmly, before blushing once she realised she was exposed.

“Thanks for covering me up Liam.”

She winked, biting her bottom lip suggestively, something she knew Liam liked.

Or used to like.

Liam smirked, kissing her lightly on the lips.

It was definitely getting harder for him to love Danielle.

Usually he’d be so aroused right now he’d be all over her, but he just wasn’t feeling it.

He couldn’t believe his relationship was dying out so quickly, over a boy he’d not even known a full week.

“Want breakfast?”

He asked, climbing out of bed and pulling on some trackies.

“Love some!”

Danielle said after a slight pause.

He could tell she’d noticed that he wasn’t all over her, and that she found it odd.

He was glad she didn’t say anything.

“I’ll get to it. You just relax babe.”

He smiled, kissing her softly but passionately-or at least with all the passion he had left for her-and walked out of the room and downstairs, heading for the kitchen.

The Guy Across the Street (A One Direction Ziam Paylik/Ziam Mayne Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now