The Secret Gets Out

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Thought I would update quicker after it took me a while to last time...hope this is okay, I like it so hopefully you will :) Enjoy! I love you!-Eva xxxxx

Karen didn’t expect what she saw when she walked into Liam’s room, but she couldn’t say she didn’t feel stupid for not catching on sooner.

She eased open her son’s bedroom door to find he and Zayn wrapped in each other’s arms, snuggling in an affectionate albeit uncomfortable looking position, both topless.

She went pink slightly as she imagined reasons as to why the boys were topless, but she knew of her son’s innocence and didn’t assume any funny business had gone down.

Though that Zayn did seem quite forward and naughty.

Smiling to herself, she shut the door to Liam’s bedroom and made her way to the kitchen, deciding on bringing them up some breakfast.


Liam muttered to himself, stirring slightly in his sleep.


Zayn answered, half awake.


Liam continued to say, almost moan.

“Oh, you’re dreaming.”

Zayn chuckled, grinning to himself as he turned over to watch Liam sleep.

Zayn thought that Liam was by far the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, but there was nothing more beautiful than watching him sleep.

His hair, messy from his movement in the night, flopped over his face adorably, his cheeks pink from the warmth. His face just had such a peaceful, happy expression; his plump pink lips gently shut, his eyelids softly closed to reveal pretty eyelashes.

He looked perfect.

So perfect, that Zayn just couldn’t resist him.

He leaned in slowly, before hesitantly placing his lips to Liam’s.

A jolt ran through him, butterflies exploded within him; all from one small lingering kiss that Liam wasn’t even conscious to take part in.

Zayn pulled away gently, to see Liam’s eyes flicker open slightly.


He muttered sleepily.

Zayn waited to see if he was still dreaming, before answering.


“Morning sleeping beauty.”

Zayn winked, causing Liam to blush slightly.

“Good sleep?”

Liam asked, hoping Zayn had slept as well as he had.

“Brilliant, best sleep I’ve had in a while, yours?”

Zayn grinned brightly.

God, he even looks beautiful in the morning.

Liam thought.


Liam grinned back, frowning slightly at how awful he must look.


Zayn asked, noticing Liam’s eyebrows furrow.

“I must look horrible.”

Liam groaned, running his hands through his hair.

The Guy Across the Street (A One Direction Ziam Paylik/Ziam Mayne Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now