Part 4 of 4 : The Angel of Death

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Hyukjae's POV

His life has a time limit. I don't want to sit and look what will happen.

His life has expiration date and I don't want to regret anything because of that.


2 years ago

I first saw him 2 years ago. I was on my rebellious phase that time. I liked to party. I liked to fuck different girls. I liked to drink—a lot. I liked to cut classes. I will do everything that pleased me. I am the new cool kid in the block. I was 1st year college and I have the looks, talent, and money. No one will hate me.

Eventually, I also learned how to smoke. I was puffing my cigarette alone when that once in a life time moment happened in my life."Fuck! Tell me, are you still breathing?" I was busy puffing my cigarette that time when I heard some noises coming from the music room.

I usually smoke behind the conservatory of music building. The reason? The windows and doors are tightly shut in this building so that the noises coming from each room won't be heard outside. But that time I notice that one window was fully open. I quickly stepped on my cigarette.

"Hang on Hae—hang on. I will call Heechul Hyung!" again that voice. I can still remember the loud bang of the door. Naturally curious, I took a peak at the open window. Someone was lying down on the couch. Both of his hands were covering his face. I can still remember—the first time I laid my eyes on you.

I can still remember how hard you gasp for air, like a fish that was pulled out from its tank. "Ki—ll m—e!" that's the words I heard coming out from your mouth. I recall those tears that fell out from your covered eyes. I can't help but clutch on my chest. It was painful to watch and I don't know why.

The memories of that day were still fresh, I can still remember how I climbed on the open window and run towards you. I don't know you and I know that you don't know me. I didn't have a valid reason to stay by your side that time, but seeing you in pain is enough to feel the pain that you were feeling that time.

"Are you—okay?" I asked you, but you didn't look at me. You just kept on crying and mumbling incoherent words. Your chest was thumping hard and irregular. "Do you have a hard time breathing?" I asked again, though I didn't expect any response from you.

To my surprised you pulled out your hands and I saw your messy face. You were crying so hard, but that didn't catch my attention. That was the first time I saw your face. You have a very angelic face. You were staring back at me, but I don't know if you can see me well. You have a pair of innocent eyes. Those eyes are begging me to help you out of your situation right now.

I didn't know why I did those things today, but I can proudly say that for once Lee Hyukjae did something that he can be proud of. I saw how hard you tried gasping for air and the only first aid I know were the things I watched from TV dramas and movies. I can still remember your smell that day; you have a sweet intoxicating smell. It was like a spell.

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