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Facts about Cheetahs
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world, they can go from 0 to 70 mph(112.7 kph) in just a matter of seconds! The stripe under its eye helps it see prey or enemies in the hot African sun. Mama cheetahs use a "chirp" to call their babies back to them. Baby cheetahs have a pattern like a honey badger on their back so when predators are nearby where the cub is hiding, they see the honey badger stripe pattern and just go about their way. Cheetahs may be able to run fast but not for very long. A cheetah can only run fast for only 45 seconds then they get exhausted and become vulnerable. Cheetahs mainly live solo except for mamas and their babies. After the cubs leave their mother, they tend to stick together for about six months before going out on their own. There is even a rare mutation that causes a cheetah to have blotchy spots running together causing at least three stripes. These cheetahs are known as King Cheetahs.
Where they live
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Threats to cheetahs
Humans are one of the main reasons why these beautiful animals are disappearing. Many years ago, cheetahs lived on nearly every part of Africa. Now that humans have taken over their land, farmers kill cheetahs because the cheetahs hunt their livestock. I mean, what are the cheetahs supposed to do? Farmers took over their territory and kill these beautiful cats for killing their livestock. Poaching is widely used to kill animals, especially those with beautiful pelts like cheetahs. Less than 8,000 of these beautiful animals remain.
How you can help
• Prevent sales of cheetah fur by trying to banning it
• Start an adopt a cheetah program. You pay a certain amount of money to do this. You can name it, receive a picture of it, and get a birth certificate but it will stay in their home whether it be in Iran, Asia, or Africa and roam free.
•Make a donation to a pledge to help cheetahs(don't feel pressured to do it).
• Become a member of the CCF(cheetah conservation fund).