Their victory

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The night before the first Test, Rohit was having a rare bout of sleeplessness (having slept for most of the day). Finally he couldn't stand lying in the bed anymore and he went out of his room.

To his surprise, he saw a figure leaning against the balcony outside the corridor.

"Virat?" said Rohit, going up to him.

"Why are you still awake?" asked Virat.

"I was going to ask you the same question," said Rohit drily. "I'm not feeling sleepy, that's all. What about you?"

Rohit noticed that Virat didn't quite meet his eyes as he said, "I'm just... thinking, I guess."


Virat hesitated.

"How can you hide anything from me?" asked Rohit, scandalized.

"I'm worried about tomorrow's team selection!" blurted Virat.

"What--oh..." said Rohit, realization dawning upon him suddenly. "Me or Jinks? You're seriously contemplating between me and Jinks?"

Virat had never wished so hard that he had never taken up captaincy.

"Of course you should play Jinks. You can't make the same mistake as South Africa again!" said Rohit with conviction.

Virat stared at Rohit, quite shocked. "I was worried sick about how you would feel--and you--" Virat gestured something vaguely.

"I guess I only have myself to blame for that," muttered Rohit.

"No! No, really, Rohit, I didn't mean it like that," said Virat, wishing he had kept his mouth shut. "I just didn't want to hurt you. Or Jinks either, for that matter."

"I'm not hurt," said Rohit impatiently. "You can't be thinking of dropping Jinks tomorrow--he's already so low on confidence, we should give him as many chances as we can."

Virat loved how he said 'we'.

"He is low on confidence," said Virat. "And I suppose I couldn't just drop Vihari."

"You can't," said Rohit sensibly.

"So you won't be playing tomorrow?" said Virat, a little sadly.

"No, I'll be cheerleading for you and Jinks from the dugout," retorted Rohit.

Virat laughed and then sobered up quickly.

"You know, Ro, it's the hardest thing in the world to choose between the two of you," he said quietly.

"Yes, I...I can imagine," said Rohit, thinking about how he'd feel if he had to choose between Jinks and Virat.

"But showing faith in Jinks is the right decision tomorrow."

"Obviously," said Rohit.

They were silent for a while.

"I just wish--" began Virat.

"Jinks plays awfully well tomorrow," finished Rohit.

"You and me both," laughed Virat.


India was reduced to 25/3 the next day, but Jinks stood like a pillar on one side. He scored 81, and India ended the day at a decent 203/6.

By the time Jinks reached his 50, his confidence had returned. Both Rohit and Virat saw that, and they cheered loudest for him from the dugout, their eyes shining with pride and delight.

Jinks didn't know of their conversation the previous night, but when he returned after getting dismissed, he did sense something like triumph in Virat and Rohit's grins as they were attempting to strangle him with their hugs.

"We're so proud of you!" cried Virat.

"And we love you so much, too," added Rohit.

"I know!" said Jinks in exasperation, trying to free himself from their grasp.

Virat smiled at Rohit and Rohit winked.

We did it.

Nothing can Change Us (A Virat-Jinks Friendship Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now