The End

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Hey!! So I messed up on the chapter orders. Skip this chapter and read the next two chapters (Rumors and Secrets)  and then come back to this chapter. After just go to the very last chapter. Thank you!!

But it didn't hit me. Instead I stare at Tommy lying on the ground. He jumped in front of me. "No. Tommy. Please wake up." Olivia and I surrounded him.

"Go. Go now. I'll stay." Olivia said. And I ran. Then I heard a scream. Olivia. I didn't even look back at her. I have to get to the shed. I first hid in this secret alleyway I found. Then I left. I ran to the shed, grabbed the laptop and ran to my room running into Isabella.

"Put the laptop down." She yelled.

"No." Just have to put in the password. Then she shot a laser at it and it broke. "NOOOOOOO" Now she'll never shut off. I failed. My friends are dead. My parents trapped. I am about to die and my creation beat me. And Lucy is really gone from my creation. I failed.

"Say goodbye Ashley." She said. And she shot. But nothing came out. She tried again and nothing came out. "What's happening." Isabella yelled.

"I told you to charge every night. You are running out of batteries." And she collapsed. I ran and took her hard drive out. Then I ran to the basement. The key was on the table and I opened the door. Then I ran to the school.

"Olivia, are you ok?"

"Yeah. I pretended I got hit. But Tommy took a real shot. He's not up yet.

"No. No. No. This can't happen. Not Tommy "

"I'll leave you time. I'll go get Kyle." She left.

"Tommy. Please wake up. I'm so sorry. I should of treated you better. The truth is you were my best friend. I was always jealous of you. You were kind, sweet, trustworthy, and smart." And his eyes opened. "Tommy!!!"

"Hi. Hi Ashley."

"I'm sorry. I was a bad friend. You were always so nice. You saved me."

"Let's go see Kyle." When we went outside he was there on the ground.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

"No. He's breathing. I called the cops a second ago."

"Good. Here's the hard drive."

"Why are you giving it to me. "

"Well Kyle might have people looking for it. I would be most likely to have it."

"Oh ok. So you want to see a movie."

"Sure." Then he woke up.

"Listen. I'm so sorry. Please don't call the cops."

"Too late." Then the cops came and Kyle went to Juvy.

Then Tommy came. "I'm sorry about what I said. I was never happy she died. I was just mad."

"It's fine. You want to see a movie with me and a Olivia."


"And this time I will buy lunch."

"Hahaha." Then we left.

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