The Hard Drive

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3 months later

Isabella has been taken apart completely. I was talking to Olivia on the phone. "What did you do to the hard drive?"

"Don't worry. It's in the trash. Put it in a week ago."

"Wait. You didn't destroy it!"

"No. Why?"

"If that hard drive is in the trash someone can take it out."


"They can plug it in to another device and Isabella is back!"

"Oh no. Kyle had people working with him wasn't he."

"I bet. And he knows the powers of Isabella. This is bad. This is really bad. He'll get greedy probably."

"I'm so sorry." Olivia said.

Kyle's P.O.V

I hate Juvy. Just waiting for the time I get to call someone. "Hi Fernado. It's Kyle. Do you have the hard drive?"

"Yes. Took me three months to locate them. But did it."

"Did you plug it in."

"Yes. Into my toy robot. It's not a toy anymore."

"Great. Watch out Ashley. Isabella coming to visit you again."

"Times up" the guard said. I hate this place. I'm getting my revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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