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"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Get out."

Answer me. What are you doing?" I yelled. "What's in the basement." Then I heard my mom's voice.

"Sweetie. Call the cops." Than as I ran to the phone Isabella picked it up.....with her mind!

"How did you do that?"

"He gave me upgrades. I also have super strength, super speed, I can shoot lasers out my hand."

"Who's he."

"Someone you are friends with." Tommy!!! He is very good with tech and stuff like this.

"Why are you doing this?"

"So you won't shut me down. I heard you the other day. I did not kill her just so you can shut me down. Oops"

"Who did you kill."

"Your sister!"

"Wait what."

"I turned on early. You and your sister was gonna turn me on as a lab rat. I wanted to be treated like an actual person. So I killed her to make you desperate for a sister."

"Why her. Why not me."

"Because he wanted Lucy gone."

Tommy. "Well I am going to go now."

"No. You know all my secrets. Now you can't leave." And I got shoved into the closet. "I will kill you later." She said.

This doesn't make sense. Someone had to turn on the robot Than I heard voices.

"Hi Isabella."

"Go. Now. She's here."

''Oh. Let's go. Outside." Kyle turned on the robot. Why? I have to get out. The vent!!! So I climbed on some boxes and opened the vent. I am out. Now I have to get to the shed and shut her down. I ran outside and they were there.

"Don't make her hurt you Ashley." Kyle said. "Just get back in the house."

"Why? Why are you doing this. Why did you turn her on?"

"I'll tell her. You'll kill her anyways. I wanted the internship with the mayor more than anything. I was so happy I got in the finals. Until Lucy got in too. I knew I was gonna loose. So I turned on Isabella to make her ineligible to compete. I also gave Isabella cool upgrades."

"You killed a person just for that!"

"No. I wanted Isabella to make Lucy miss the event. Like put her in a bad accident or make her sick. Isabella wanted her dead I agreed because Isabella wouldn't do it unless I agree. She didn't show up though, so either way it would of worked.

I didn't answer I ran. I need to get them away from the shed. Maybe they'll follow me. I ran to my school and Olivia was there. "Hi Ashley?"

"I need your help. Isabella is a robot and I need to shut her off. She told the rumors. I promise." I didn't think Olivia would believe me until she saw Isabella throw a car out the window.

"Omg. How can I help?"

"Follow me." Than Isabella ran in and was aiming at me.

"Nice knowing you Ashley. You see these lasers can cause death. They really hurt." Then she pointed at the window. Kyle lied on the ground. She shot him. "He was planning on shutting me off too." Than she shot a laser at me.

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