chapter 4 -telling my parents

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I woke up thus morning  feeling dizzy and weird I just shrugged it off and went into the bathroom  to do my morning routine

I went downstairs to meet Bel cooking breakfast, I smelt pancakes and Bacon's wow this girl really knows me

"good morning sash"
"good morning Bel, I can see your preparing breakfast for your favourite best friend"

"yeah, you wish" she scoffed while I playfully  gasped at her and she smirked evilly

"Am preparing breakfast for my god child not you am pretty sure he/she is pretty  hungry because I know how lazy you are" she said while setting the table

Wait, I knew this girl was dumb but I really didn't think it was really this bad

"Honey, you do know that it's still me who is going to eat that delicious food over there" I said mow smirking evilly

"yeah whatever whatever your eating is still going to your baby so it's still a win win situation" I just nodded getting it now

We ate breakfast while chatting  about her boyfriend and life

"so sash, have you told your parents about your pregnancy" I just shook my head

"I was thinking of telling them  about my pregnancy but am scared of how they're going to take it" I said Boeing my head down in sadness

"sash whatever you do just know that I'll be  right there with you and don't be afraid Ok if you like I could come with you" I smiled at her request

"O my God bel you don't know how much it will mean to me" I said engulfing her in a hug

I brought out my phone from my jeans back pocket and dialled my moms number

Me:hey mom how are you
Mom:hey sweet smile fine and everybody is fine
Me:mom i was thinking since we haven't met in a long time I could come for dinner and I have something Important to tell you and dad oh and Bella will be coming with me

Mom:ok sweety we will be expecting  you and Bella oh and tell her I said hi

I hung up and went to meet Bel and she just hugged me and prepared for the dinner with my parents

"Bel, you ready" Bel has wanted to look good anytime  we will be going to my house because she had a crush on my brother and I always wondered how someone will have a crush on that big head

"I'm ready"Bel said while we went into her and drove to the my house

The sight of the mansion  right memories both good and bad well mostly good memories

My dad is a millionaire  and often when I told people who my dad was they wouldn't believe me because I was not this type if girl who depended on my dads wealth and acted like a spoilt bitch

"were here" Bel said snapping me out of my thoughts

"we can do this sash"she said while squeezing my hands

But before I could even turn Bel left me to go talk with my brother. I should have known

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