Chapter 7 -my baby

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"Labor is the only blind date you know you will meet the love of your life"

Sasha's POV

"Bel my water just broke!!!" I shouted in pain even though she was 5inches close

"Oh my God, sash your going to be a mom" I shot her a glare that says "obviously-bel-am-in-labour-what-the-hell-is-that-suppost-to-mean"

"Bel,  just take me to the hospital"

We drove to the hospital slowly which I was paranoid about like am in pains here


"Push one last time" I pushed with all my strength

Tears came down from my eyes when the doctor handed me my baby she was so adorable and she looks exactly like Xavier which am jealous about

"Oh my God sash she's so beautiful" bel came rushing in ignoring me and carefully carrying the baby from my arms when the doctor came in and shifted me to another private ward

"You can go home now the baby is very healthy and you are doing fine too" the doctor said and I smiled at him

"And they are people waiting outside to see you"

"Ok let them come in"I said knowing I wasn't expecting anyone

"Mom, dad!! " I shouted when my parents came in and my mom kissed my forehead

"Yeah am here too thanks for noticing" said my big head brother sarcastically and I chuckled

"Daniel how are you,  you know I didn't see you coming in here" I said playfully and he rolled his eyes

"Sweety my grandchild is so cute what's her name"

"Emery, Emery cooper" my mom looked at me and smiled and I knew the reason

I named her after my grandmother, i and my grandmother we're very close she was always there for me and I wanted my baby to look like my grandma you know those traits stuff but instead she looked like her dad,  Xavier

"Mom, dad,  Daniel thanks for coming and I think its time for me and bel to go home because i hate hospitals" we all laughed

Am nor sure Daniel was paying attention because he was busy staring at Bel with so much love as Bel was holding Emery while Bel was blushing

I need to know what's up with these two

"Bel, quit blushing and flirting let's go home" right now I was sure she was red as a tomato and I smirked evilly while she shot me a glare


1 year later

"arrrggh" I woke up to  the sound of my phone ringing,  I checked the time and it was 5:30am and I knew who could call me at this time,  I checked my caller ID and it was my mom,  since she hung up maybe because I was too lazy to pick up she sent a text message 💬

"Hey sweety sorry for waking you up this early but your dad won  this business contract and we planned a celebratory party so you're invited and please since am not there please wear something fancy and cute"

"Why can't she just let me dress how I want to" I thought

I looked at emery's crib and saw that she was awake

"Hey sweety are you awake" I said tickling her sides while she giggled

I can't imagine living without her she's like a part of me and she also reminds me if Xavier because am sure if she was about Xavier's age they will look like identical twins with different gender

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