Chapter 7

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Hermione wandered into the Great Hall and immediately walked over to Harry. He smiled as she sat next to him. Her cheeks glowed pink.
"Hermione.."Harry asked her as she turned her head to face him.
"Yes Harry?" She responded.
"I have a detention all next week with Umbridge..." Hermione sighed and hugged him. Hermione could feel Cho Chang glaring at her from the Ravenclaw table, but she didn't care.
"I'll admit, that Umbridge woman is pretty mean but you shouldn't have kept arguing. I know you were right but.."
"Hermione I know I should've just shut up, just spare me the lecture, okay?" He gave her a pleading look, Hermione nodded and changed the subject as Ron joined them.
"Anyway, looking forward to quidditch next week mate?" Ron asked as he sat down, Hermione rolled her eyes and got up to go sit with Lavender and Pavarti but Harry grabbed her hand.
"Stay" her cheeks burned blossom pink as she sat down. Harry changed the subject, Ron sighed but went along with it. He knew Hermione liked Harry, as more than a friend. And he knew Harry liked Hermione like that, he just hadn't figured it out yet. Or maybe he was just really good at hiding it. As Lunch ended they walked towards potions. Not like they wanted to go though. Snape was their least favourite teacher.
"Sit down" Snape told them in his usual droning voice. They all sat down, Harry rested his head on the table. Hermione patted Harry's back. He smiled up at her.
Snape scowled at them.

"Granger" Draco smiled at her as they walked out. Hermione looked at him confused.
"Malfoy" she replied awkwardly. Harry scowled at Draco. Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed Harry's hand before walking into transfiguration.
Harry gazed at Hermione. She smiled at him. He blushed. Hermione completed all the work and so did Harry.
The two held hands as they walked to their Common Room. Hermione blushed every step of the way. Cho walked up infront of them.
"Hey Harry" she smiled. Hermione scowled.
"Hey Ch-Cho" Harry blushed, Hermione rolled her eyes.
"What's wrong Granger?" Chos smile became a smirk.
"Nothing" Hermione smirked and squeezed Harry's hand lightly, Cho looked at the two holding hands before walking off in a huff.
"What's her problem?" Harry asked confused, Hermione shrugged but had a smile on her face.
Besides even Sirius thought Harry liked Hermione, at some point Hermione hoped Harry would realise what everybody knew.

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