Chapter 5 - Griffin

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Where the hell is this chick.

I stretch my head up and rub the back of my neck. I'm still not entirely sure how I got talked into this, apart from a vague description I have no idea who I'm even suppose to be picking up. Need a favour Griff and I have to run down a lead. Just pick up my sister and bring her back to station, under no circumstances leave at the house alone, back in few hours, cheers mate, and he was gone. Fucking thanks Everett.

I lean against my car and watch the people spilling out of the doors trying to remember what Everett said she looked like. I know I've seen old pictures over the years but nothing recent or coming to mind right now. A couple scream past me and jump into the waiting arms of another couple waiting by their car, all hugs and cheers. There's balloons and a huge sign to, shit I should have thought of that. I look down at the makeshift sign I made out of paper I found in the backseat of my car and scribbled her name on. Well welcome home Dani.

I swing my head back to the door and start coughing as I completely loose my breath.

That women is gorgeous and that smile is incredible.

Her blonde hair bounces as she swings her head around looking for someone. My eyes slowly roam up and down her body, taking it all in. Holy shit. Those legs just keep going, and the jeans look like they've been painted on, shaping her ass perfectly. I picture grabbing her ass, and wrapping those legs around my waist while I shove her up against a wall, burying my face in her chest, that even through the sweater she's wearing I can make out are perfect. The smile drops from her face as she does one last look around.

What kind of schmuck leaves a women like that, standing at the airport alone.

Her eyes fall on me and move down to the sign I'm holding.

Oh fuck me, no.

She squints a little at the sign and starts to walk towards me.

That schmuck would be me.

She stops in front of me, nods to the sign and sticks out her hand.

"Hey, I would be Dani Harris....and you are??"

Her voice is like silk and my brain runs away in a direction it should not be going in if this really is Everett's little sister. I snap back to reality and take her hand.


I amaze myself getting the words out, as my brain has officially left the building. She shifts uncomfortably from one foot to other looking down, and realisation hits me that this chick had no idea I was even picking her up. For fucks sake Everett. I clear my throat, bringing her head up to look back at me.

"Everett had some work he needed to take care of, so he send me to pick you up. Detective Griffin Mathers, I'm his partner" I say bowing a little at the end.

Did I just bow, oh for shits sake my brain is officially gone.

Dani chuckles a little and that breathtaking smile reappears again.

"Well, I suppose you will do"

She moves towards the car, pulling her bag, and I move around, taking it from her, before popping the boot. Dani climbs in the car while I put her bag in, giving me a second to try to get my blood back up to my brain. Unfortunately it has moved and taken up residence in another part of my body and is refusing to budge. Taking a few deep breaths, I close the boot and round the car to hop in the car. I'm instantly hit by a wave of vanilla, berries and something else I can't place but jesus christ she smells sweet and incredible.

"Thanks for picking me up, even if you were sent.....You can just drop me off at home and I'll let you get back to work"

She twists her hands together nervously, and a strong urge to reach out, take her hands in mine comes over me, that I need to grip the steering wheel harder to force myself not to.

"Ah actually I was wondering if you wanted to come back to the station and see where your brother works."

I try to make the suggestion sound exciting, but apparently fail because she immediately turns her head to me and raises an eyebrow.


She continues to stare at me, suspicion clearly on her face, while I pull out and away from the airport. I keep silent trying to figure out a way to turn this conversation around. Everett said not to take her back to house, but I'm not going to physically restrain her. Altho I would very much like to restrain her in other ways.

Mind out of the gutter Griffin.

"Yeah, I thought could be..."

I don't get a chance to finish before she cuts me off.

"He told you not to didn't he, oh when is he going to let that go. The Bolognese exploding wasn't entirely my fault. The spaghetti burning through the pot may have been but that pot was on it's way out anyway."

She pauses for a moment and points a finger in my direction before continuing.

"And the sauce came off the roof eventually. Besides he wanted to remodel anyway, and he gained a new oven from the experience." She finishes in a huff.

I stare at this women who sounds like she utterly destroyed a kitchen making some food and wonder what the hell I have gotten myself into.

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I watch as she walks over to a guy leaning against, what I have to admit is a pretty nice car.

Who the fuck is that?

I'm being a complete stalker watching her every move. I should never have walked away from her, but I can't bring her into this shit.

"Come on man, we gotta go"

I briefly look over to see Carlos holding the door open.

Fuck, I know he's right but I can't take my eyes off her.

She climbs in the car and as they drive off, I unclench the fists I hadn't realised I'd made. Carlos shuffles beside me and is about to speak again before I hold up hand and cut him off.

"Im coming."

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