Chapter 2 - Dani

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I clear my throat, trying to regain some shred of dignity, leaning in close to whisper.

"Thank you,...Im Dani by the way, Dani Harris"

I feel like I must look like the colour of a beetroot by now. Greek God breaks into an even bigger smile, leaving small crinkles in corner of his eyes, somehow making him look even sexier. It really should be illegal to look this good all the time. He leans in even closer, so close I can feel his breath on my neck as he whispers back.

"I couldn't stand by and watch a damsel in distress......Im Jax."

I turn slightly so he can see my face and raise my eyebrow at him, there's no way that is his real name. I try not to laugh and act completely serious.

"Does that line really work for you?"

My eyes travel down and watch as he runs his hand along his jaw, noting slight stubble. I have to mentally catch myself, just wanting to reach out and run my hand along it to. Damn it, down girl.

"I may have used it once or twice, but none were as breathtaking as you" He holds my eyes for a second then adds "It's short for Jackson by way, Jackson McKinney" he says laughter in his voice as he leans in again.

I mentally remind myself to breathe and end up inhaling whatever it is he's wearing, Damn it he even smells good. I lean back a little and find his eyes. Deep dark blue greets me and good lord I could stare at them all day. I force my eyes away from his and glance at stare guy, who has turned more around to the front of the plane but still keeping tabs on us. Wow this guy is persistent.

"He doesn't give up does he?"

His breath brushes against my neck again, sending a light tingling down my back. It's at this moment the plane starts to move and my hand instinctively grabs hold of Jax. He grips me back, reaches over and runs his other hand up and down the arm he's holding.

"Breathe Dani, we'll be up soon and it will be better."

His voice has turned slightly husky, and I inhale, puffing my cheeks out as I breathe out slowly showing him I am breathing. I must look ridiculous but Jax just chuckles softly and continues to run his hand up and down my arm. It's distracting as hell and driving me insane. Feeling his feather light touch run slowly up my arm and then down again, sending heat elsewhere, makes me shift slightly in my seat for whole different reason than I did with stare guy.

The plane makes it up, even though I have a thousand different ways of it going down running thru my mind, and it evens out. With one last breath out I look down and release my death grip on Jax's hand, mumbling a short apology.

"That's ok, I'm not sure I needed to use it anytime soon anyway" Jax laughs. "Are you ok?" His voice is laced with what I could mistake as concern if we hadn't just met.

"I'm ok, its mostly just the take off and landing that I have trouble with"

I get out quietly, suddenly feeling very shy. Jax smiles again as a blush creeps over him making his cheeks a soft shade of pink and nods to my other hand.

"It looks like a good read."

Confused I look down and realise I'm still holding my book. Oh for the love of marshmallows why couldn't I have picked any other book to read on this flight. Embarrassment washes over me and I hold my head high as I try to muster a reply.

"It is indeed."

Wow Dani, witty reply, my inner me smacks herself in the head again for what seems like the 100th time today. But I guess when your holding a book titled "Nailed" with what can only be described as a very interesting positioned couple on the front it's just not your freaking day.

Jax reaches down and pulls out a pair of earbuds from his pocket chuckling quietly as he puts them in

"Well I will leave you to it then"

He leans in close, his voice low as he whispers.

"But feel free to wake me and share if anything exciting happens."

Well that does it. The way his lips form around those words and the breathy way it sounds, almost undoes the last shred of self control I have. Well sir, two can play at this game.

My eyes slide to his in a quick glare, before I open my book with a dramatic flourish that's far more than necessary and begin to read. A smile breaks over Jax's lips but before he hits play on his phone I lean in and whisper

"Anything you say Mr Mckinney"

I emphasize his name darting my tongue out to wet my lips and pulling in the side of my bottom lip. I can feel Jax stiffen slightly next to me, hearing his breath hitch a little and think check mate, before returning my attention back to my book and diving in to it.

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