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The sound of footsteps echoed in the dark hallways slowly but steadily, as if the owner of them knew exactly where they were heading. A dark silhouette made its way into the corridors, creating an odd clunking sound with every step they took. The person walking under the wing of the night had a petite and slim figure along with a long hair that some of it fell over their shoulders... and given the shape of their physique, curves of their hips, and size of their chest, it was unmistakable that it was a young girl. She wandered all alone in the completely dark hallways with no source of light could show any features of her face and it was all hidden within the darkness. No one could ever know what kind of face she had--neutral... or maybe that held malice in it.

On top of that, something odd was about the place the girl was walking in; automatic doors, biometric scanners, floating hologram screen, and other advanced technology... as if that place was from a completely different era. It was really modern and high-tech for the 21st century, definitely suspicious, and raised a lot of different questions. The hallways were empty and quiet... perhaps way too quiet since no voice could be heard other than her steady footsteps echoing on the metallic floor. As she was making her way further in the dark corridors, she passed by a hologram screen with its dim green light shining on the lower part of her face, revealing her evil and malicious grin, giving the impression that many harmful thoughts were roaming in her head.

All of a sudden, her footsteps ceased to halt as she stopped her tracks when another shadow stood in front of her, blocking her way in the process that was a bit taller than the mysterious girl. Their back rested on the wall as a dim light from the monitor of a machine nearby revealed a rather playful smirk plastered on their face. It appeared as if their appearance annoyed the girl to the maximum level since she gritted her teeth angrily before clicking her tongue. The other silhouette hummed to themselves the moment their eyes laid on her, seemingly standing there for the sole purpose of waiting for her to reach that one specific spot.

"Wandering all alone at night? Don't you know it's dangerous?" They chuckled lightly.

It was clear from their voice and physique that the second figure was actually a boy.

"Out of my way." She demanded.

"I would love to, but I wouldn't miss the chance of seeing your face."

"Tch... you really think that's going to work on me?"

"Of course not."

"Then why are you here? If you're here to annoy me, then you sure did it. Now if you'll let me through..."

She attempted to walk through the corridor, completely ignoring the boy who was standing in a cool manner with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Suddenly, he moved from his previous idle posture to simply lean on the wall to standing in front of her, preventing her from taking any step further while leaning his hand on the wall. His sudden action caused the girl to grit her teeth even harder while balling her fists tightly, feeling like her blood was boiling inside her veins from how angry and annoyed she was at that moment. That good-for-nothing was a genius when it came to pushing her buttons and ticking her off... and again, he was doing a very damn good job at that.

"I said out of my way!" She screamed in his face.

"Aw, did I make you angry?"

That little condescending--

"Listen here, I don't have the time to put up with your crap!" She growled, grabbing him by his collar despite being shorter than him.

Inazuma Eleven: Parallel World [HIATUS] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now