just like me by summer walker

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(italics are stokeley's thoughts)


why don't you tell me what she's got on me?
i find it hard to believe that anyone can love you as great as me

jahseh dwayne onfroy , is the love of my life. he brings me so much happiness and love , yet he's so toxic for me.
i still love him though.

"what do you even see in her?" i scoffed crossing my arms. this was our fourth argument today but i didn't care i needed answers. "i really don't want to talk about this shit. why can't you just enjoy the time we're spending together right now?" he argued, "i'm tired of fucking coming second jahseh! why is it that you can't understand that? i treat you and love you better than she can ever yet you treat her so much better than me!" i yelled frustrated.

why couldn't he understand that i loved him more than life itself?

i miss how your passion put me out of sleep
bangin' on my door at a quarter to three
you okay it safe , so i guess you could go with her
without society's outlook on me
bet you choose me first

"she's my girlfriend stokeley! it's bad enough i'm cheating on her with you stop trying to make things worse!" he yelled at me. my words were caught in my throat as a lump formed and tears formed in my eyes. "stokeley just try to understand that i can't be seen with you. it's not normal for two boys to be together , especially when you have a whole vagina. what would i even tell my parents?" he added. that was jahseh's number one problem, he cared what others thought of him way too much.

"that's your problem right there jahseh. you care too fucking much about what others have to say! if you really loved me like you say you do you would proudly show me off just like how you show off that bitch!" i said in anger. "so what if we're two boys together, that's our business and no one else's. who the fuck cares what's in between my legs? if it ain't you in between them then i don't care what anybody else has to say." i said crying. the salty tears rolled down my face at a rapid speed just pouring out.

my love for him could never fade away no matter what. no matter how many times we fought and argued i could never stop loving him.

no, i'm not the type of girl you bring home to mom
but we've got a special bond
and you ain't the type of guy i bring to my dad
but there's no where else i'd rather be than with you

i know i'm not the usual product you would bring home to meet your family , but their dislike for me could never come between our love.

i paced back and forth trying to keep calm , "jahseh just like how you wouldn't show me off to your family , i wouldn't show you off to mines either. how could i bring home a nigga that does nothing but run the streets, treats me badly, and makes me feel less of a person!" i shouted. my daddy always told me watch the ones i pick , especially the bad boys. i obviously didn't listen to his words because look at where i am right now. stuck in a one sided relationship wondering what the fuck i'm doing wrong. "don't even try to flip this shit, there's nothing fucking wrong with me unlike you. the shit i do out on the streets is my business and provides all the shit you own up in here." he said kissing his teeth. "i don't give a fuck about none of this shit jahseh! i just want us to actually be normal and be able to love each other without all this stupid shit going on." i said breaking the 60-inch tv he brought that sat in our living room, i broke all of our pictures that hung on the walls.

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