Chapter 4 The Perfect Friendship

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Ash went straight to the Cove after telling Camerin and Lucas that he had done feeding the dragons, he walked down the path way to the bottom of the Cove and looked around for the dragon. A soft growl from behind him told him his dragon friend's location, he turned around and saw his dragon friend slowly walked to him. He blinked as that was the first time his dragon friend ever saw him with slit eyes, normally his dragon's eyes were big and a bit round that make him looked adorable.

Ash let the basket down and pulled a fish before offering it to his dragon silently, he didn't know how his dragon would react when his eyes were slit like that, so he wanted to be cautious.

His dragon friend growled at him and stared at something in his vest, he blinked and moved his vest and saw that he had his dagger slipped into his belt. His eyes widened as he realized that his dragon was being cautious as well since he got a weapon with him, he immediately pulled the dagger and dropped it to the ground to show that he wouldn't harm the Night Fury, the said dragon moved his head towards the lake direction in response. Ash picked the dagger with his foot and threw it to the lake, he was then amused when his dragon friend's posture wasn't aggressive anymore, his dragon even looked cute as he sat up and looked at him with big and round eyes, looking like an innocent puppy.

Ash smiled at His dragon friend, he offered the fish again, "Here." He said softly, "I bet you are hungry." His dragon immediately approached him and opened his mouth, "Huh? Toothless? I could have sworn you had-" He was cut off when small, and yet sharp, white teeth shot out from the gums and his dragon friend snatched the fish from his hand, " . . . teeth." He finished as he stared at his dragon friend in curiously, "You got retractable teeth, huh? What a unique dragon you are".

The Night Fury cooed at him and looked at the rest of the fishes, Ash smiled and poured out the fishes from the basket, it's not as much as the one from the arena got, but at least it should be enough until he could get more for his dragon friend tomorrow. His dragon friend let out a happy purr and began eating, Ash sat down near his dragon as he watched the dragon eat, just like when he feed the other dragons, he smiled contently as he watched His dragon friend eat.

He blinked though when the Night Fury looked at him when he finished his food, "Are you still hungry?" Ash asked when his dragon sniffed at him, "I'm sorry, but I don't have anymore fish." He said with an apologetic expression.

His dragon friend looked straight at his eyes before the black dragon began making odd sound, and before he know it, he had a lap full of the tail part of a fish. "Uh." He grimaced at the sight and smell of the regurgitated fish, he looked at the dragon with questioning gaze.

He watched as his dragon friend sat up like a human would and stared back at him, after a moment of staring at each other, his dragon friend looked at the fish before looking up at him. Ash's eyes widened as he looked at the fish and then up at his dragon, He wants me to eat this? He thought in disbelief, he looked at the expectant gaze of his dragon and sighed before lifting up the fish to his face, he hesitated a bit before closing his eyes and bit into the fish.

The taste was . . . in a word, awful. He had to force himself not to throw up right there and then, he opened his eyes and looked at his dragon, he forced himself to smile and make an appreciating noise as he offered the fish to the dragon again in hope the dragon would finish it for him. No such luck, not only that his dragon didn't eat the fish again, but he made a swallowing gesture, telling Ash to swallow the fish in his mouth.

Ash looked at his dragon with a disbelieving look before sighing heavily and took a big gulp, he nearly throwing it up but then forced himself to swallow it. Once the fish downed his throat, he shuddered at the awful taste. Then remembering his dragon, he give a half smile half grimace at the Night Fury.

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