Welcome to Slytherin!

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"Now that everyone has been sorted, the feasting may now begin!"

All of the tables burst into chatter, louder than anything you can imagine. I covered my ears, and glanced at my plate. Mmmmmm, chocolate!

Across the table I saw Jack Frost, Rapunzel's friend. He was joking around with some people, and he looked kinda cute. Wait, what?

Our table began to quiet down as people discovered the food, so I decided to talk to him.

"So, uh, hi? Uh, you're Rapunzel's friend right? What is your name again?"

He just looked at me and laughed.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Jack, Jack Frost. You were in the compartment with me on the way here? Welcome to Slytherin by the way."

"Oh, okay Jack. Um, did you happen to see what house my sister got into? She is tall, has strawberry-blond hair -"

Yeah, yeah. I saw her. And unlike some people, I actually paid attention to who I was riding with on the train. She's in Gryffindor."

"Oh. Thanks. Um, so..."

"Whatever. See you later."

And with a quick turn of his head, he was ignoring me entirely, now laughing at a bad joke

Ugh, boys. I will never understand.

"Hey! Are you new? Oh my gosh you are! Hi, I'm Vanellope! What's your name? What grade are you in? I'm in 2nd!"

The girl was overly exited, it was adorable. Really, she reminded me of, well, being a little kid!

I giggled, and she stopped, and put on a serious face, only to burst out laughing after 60 seconds of not talking.

'Hi, I'm Elsa. I'm in fourth year I believe."

"Oh, you're one of those students." She nodded "Well, this is Hogwarts! Do you know anyone here? My best friend, Ralph, is over there at the Hufflepuff table. He's nice, you would like him! Oh are you a muggle born? I am! Everything here was SO cool when I first got here! I just LOVE it!

"Yeah, well, me and my sister Anna came together from Arendelle, and my cousin, Rapunzel is here too. She introduced me to some of her friends, though some of them are giving me the cold sholder." I jerked my thumb at Jack. I was the one usually giving the cold shoulder, not receiving it.

"That's it! Finish your feast and follow the prefects to your house dorms! Goodnight students!"

I walked next to Vanellope as she chatted and I listened. We followed the green tinted crowd to a darkish hallway. We stopped in the middle, and one of the prefects whispered something into a crack in the wall. The wall slid open into a warm green room with a glowing fire and plush chairs.

"Now go to your rooms! Arrangements are found outside the girl's and boy's sides!"

With screams of excitement (I did not scream) we all headed to our rooms. I was with Vanellope, someone named Ruth and one other person named Caroline.

I sat on my bed for a minute listening to their endless chatter until I could take it no more. I headed down to the now almost empty common room, and sat down in the chair farthest from the fire. Warmth was ok, but it sometimes made my powers come out.

I was almost asleep in my chair, the light in the room fading, when I heard a voice from behind me.

"What are you doing still out of bed? Go to sleep already!"

I turned around, and there was Jack, his white hair sticking out in the dark room.

"I could ask you the same thing. I am waiting for the girls in my room to stop chatting. What about you?"

"I am doing things that have nothing to do with you. Now shoo!

"Not until you tell me what you are doing."

"Fine. I'm sneaking out to go meet my friends. Are you going to force me to let you come with me now?"

"Yep. Now let's get moving, I don't want to be caught.










This is wayyyyy too short, I know.

If you are reading this, feel free to make suggestions for what you like. That would be nice. Next chapter will be about Jack and Elsa getting to know each other! Yay! ;)

:D Next chapter will be up next week! I can never find time to write this, and I am writing on my phone! Agbjiddc!


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