Brother! Zack x Reader

993 37 3

Requested by NicoleFritzHernandez

I'm so sorry for not updating any chapters!
I know giving excuse might be useless, so please forgive me for making you all wait too long!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter 😊


"Oh my, who is this cutie~"

It was another normal night, where Cathy decided to invite her gangs for a sleepover and of course, she threatened them to come or else she would punish them for being a sinner, which didn't scared them at all. Almost everyone came to her house except Zack as he doesn't like wasting his time with them. Unfortunately, tonight was different. His little sister have insisted him to join the party. You want to meet his friends and it created an argument until he gave up. Damn your secret technique; pretending to cry in front of him. He might be a murderer in the past but his sister was his biggest weakness.

"Get away from my sister, you physcopath." Zack spoke, holding you in his arms.

"I didn't know you have a sister!" Cathy exclaimed, trying to approach you. He glared at her to back off, which she just pouted in reply. "You didn't fucking ask, so why should I tell you?" He replied, not caring if you were going to use the vulgar vocabulary in the future. "Oh my~ Rachel is going to kill you if she know you're cursing in front of a child." She smirked.

"As if that doll is able to kill me." He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, come inside! You must be excited to see your brother's friends, right?" Cathy asked, directing to [Y/n]. In response to that, you nodded your head. "Yes! He told me everything about them!" You replied. "Oh, really? What did he say about me?" She asked while escorting them to the living room.

"A physcopath, sadistic little bitch." Zack laughed at your words but then, he screamed in pain when a book suddenly hit him on the face. He dropped his sister, which you managed to land on your feet and earning a clap from Cathy. "That's a good landing, girl!" You smiled at the compliment you received. Then, you heard a sigh coming from the living room.

"Why can't you control your mouth, Zack? Hearing those words from a child is truly unforgivable." Rachel said, approaching them. "Ah! Big Sister Rachel!" You waved, happily. She smiled and picked you in her arms before glaring at him. Zack sat up and returning her glare with his own. "Damn it, Ray! I'm going to fu--" Another book and you laughed, enjoying the moment. "Control your mouth for once, Zack." She warned. He growled while mumbling a few curses without them listening to him. Rachel returned to the living room with you while Cathy chuckled at him.

"Don't say I didn't warn you before~"

"Shut up!"

At last, the sleepover party have changed. Everyone was enjoying themselves with you as you were so cute and sometimes, they couldn't believe that you were his sister. You were too innocent until you revealed the secret by accidentally cursing in front of them.

"Big Sister Rachel, I'm getting fucking sleepy." With that, Eddie and Rachel immediately approached Zack with dangerous aura. As usual, you laughed at your brother suddenly get chased by them. You sat on Danny's lap while watching it happened in front of you. To be honest, you were getting sleepy and slowly, making yourself comfortable on his lap. Danny smiled, stroking your soft [h/c] hair until you fall asleep.

"Be quiet, everyone. The little angel is sleeping." Danny said, halting them from moving. Once again, they gathered near you and took pictures including Rachel as you were getting cuter when sleeping. Zack growled and told them to stay away from his sister, earning a slap on the head from Cathy.

"Be a good big brother and let your sister sleep, Zack." Cathy winked.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep, so don't bother me or else I'm going to kill you!" Then, Zack approached his sister before slowly, picking you in bridal style. He went to the room, where Cathy showed before and placing you on the bed. He joined in before wrapping his arms around your body, protectively.

"Damn it, [Y/n]. Because of you, I get multiple hit from Ray and that brat." He whispered, and then slowly closing his eyes. You smiled and whispering a few words, causing him to have a ghost smile.

"I love you, Big Brother."

"Me too, [Y/n]."


I know this chapter is short but it is the only scenario that appeared in my head, so hope you understand it!

Also, sorry if the characters including Zack are a little bit OOC 

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