Older brother! Zack x Imouto! Reader

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Requested by -Sunflower-Rain-

Hope you enjoy this chapter ( ╹▽╹ )


"Where are you going, brat?"

After putting on your shoes, you turned to find your brother was standing behind you with his usual scowl expression. "I'm going to visit a friend!" You replied, excitedly. He narrowed his heterochromia eyes, feeling unconvinced with your words. You were wearing your favourite dress, which Rachel bought it for you as a birthday gift. He remembered how you told him that you would only wear it for special day. How does visiting your friend is a special day? Something isn't right here.

Meanwhile, [Y/n] feel nervous as you noticed him didn't stop staring at you like a predator. You moved to the left and his eyes followed. What does your brother is trying to do here?

Later, Zack released a sigh. "Fine but be back before seven or else I'm going to kill you!" He spoke. In response to that, you chuckled while nodding your head as if you didn't feel threatened by his words. "Yes, sir!" You saluted, playfully. With that, you bid a farewell before walking out through the front door.

After you have left the house, Zack took out his phone and then, dialling someone. He pressed his phone against his ear. He waited the person to pick up his call while tapping his foot on the floor, impatiently.


"Come to my house. We're going to follow that brat."


"Sorry for making you wait, Eddie!"

Eddie spun and instantly, his eyes widened when seeing your appearance. To be honest, you looked so cute and pretty at the same time. "A-Ah! Don't worry, [n/n]! I just arrived." He reassured. In response to that, [Y/n] released a sigh of relief before apologising for her late arrival. "Sorry, Eddie! My brother managed to catch me before I could get out from the house." You apologised. He just nodded, understanding her reason. He met your brother once and he could say Zack was such a terrifying person. He remembered how that teenage boy couldn't stop glaring at him for each time he talked with [Y/n].

"We should go now."

You nodded. "Let's go!" You said, happily. Once again, his eyes widened in shock when you suddenly grabbed his hand. His face redden as he never thought he would be holding your hand so soon.

Meanwhile, someone was hiding from their sight while glaring at him with hatred. "Looks like someone is going on a date." Rachel spoke, monotone. "I'm going to kill that fucking brat!" Zack exclaimed, referring to Eddie. In response to that, she just released a sigh. "It isn't his fault, Zack. Your sister is the one who hold his hand." She stated.

"Still, he touched her!" He argued, and then noticing his sister was walking away with Eddie.

"They're moving! Let's go!" He chased them, not caring if Rachel didn't want to follow him or not. Her blue eyes stared at him before releasing another sigh. She wondered how she managed to become his friend in the first place. Quickly, she followed him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid during your precious 'date'.


"Wow, this place is big!"

"You're making it sound like you never go to the mall before." Eddie stated, raising an eyebrow with confusion. You flinched at his words before slowly, glancing at him. "Actually . . . I didn't." Your answer surprised him and he started to ask the reason why you never visit the mall. "Oh well, my brother is really an overprotective person. After our parents died, he tried to do anything to keep me safe. For an example, he would kill anyone who would try to bully or hurt me." You explained. "Did someone bully you before?" He asked, curiously.

"Yes but it have been solved last month! My brother say he already warned the bully to not bother me anymore!" Eddie stared at you, wondering if Zack did it peacefully or not. Then, he shook that thought away. Of course that mummy wouldn't do it peacefully! He might have scared the bully away by sending to the hospital.

"So, where is the place you promised to show me?" You asked, getting excited.

"Ah, it's near." Eddie escorted you to the next place but not without giving a look at his surrounding. "What's wrong, Eddie?" You questioned. You noticed how he didn't move from his spot yet. He apologised and then, heading to their next destination. He could feel someone was watching them and releasing dangerous aura from somewhere. Is it just his imagination or not?

Later, they arrived at their destination and your eyes were sparkling. "ICE CREAM!" You said, quickly running into the store. Eddie chuckled at your reaction before following you from behind. His green eyes watched how your eyes glued on the menu, trying to decide which one to taste first.

Meanwhile, the teenagers sat on the bench outside of the store while holding the newspaper to hide their face. "We should just go home, Zack." Rachel suggested. "Not on my fucking watch. I bet that brat is going to take advantage on my sister." She doesn't think they were going to do anything as they were just kids. He shouldn't feel worried and give some freedom to [Y/n]. You need some fresh air other than going to school. What an overprotective brother.

"Okay, I have decided! It's going to be [favourite flavor] ice cream!" You decided, earning a nod from Eddie. They went ordering their ice cream and of course, he pay for it as they already discussed about it. After grabbing their ice cream, they went to one of the tables and took a seat. You ate your ice cream and immediately, melting to its taste. "It's been a while since I ate ice cream!" You said, shoving more ice cream into your mouth.
(A/n: It's ice cream in cups if you don't know 🙃)

"I'm guessing [f/f] is your favourite?" You nodded. "Well, I never try different flavor before. That's why I couldn't choose which one to taste first because I'm worried that if I choose something I don't like, it's going to be such a waste!" You explained, truthfully. "Then, wanna try mine?" Eddie asked, offering his vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips. You took some of his ice cream on your own spoon before putting it in your mouth. Your eyes widened and starting to ask more. Unfortunately, he pulled it away with a smirk.

"That's why you should listen to me when I say you could add toppings to it. Now, eat your own ice cream." He said, taking another full spoon of ice cream. He waved it in front of you, teasing you a bit. Then, he feel confused when you suddenly smirked. "Thanks, Eddie!" Without a doubt, you ate the ice cream and he surprised. Later, his face redden as he was starting to realise they just did an indirect kiss.


"Wait, Zack!" They spun, looking outside through the window. Then, their eyes widened when seeing Zack was lifting a bench in his hands. Immediately, they ran before he threw it to the window. The window shattered and he quickly jumped through the broken window while glaring at Eddie.

"Yo. We meet again, Eddie." Zack spoke, cracking his fists. Eddie's face turned pale, knowing he just attracted the grim reaper to himself. With that, their killing game began as Zack chased him around the mall. Meanwhile, you stood beside Rachel while still eating your ice cream.

"Your brother is really an overprotective person."

"I know but he's my big brother! He's so cute when he get jealous over me spending time with boys!"

"Even though he kill someone for your own safety?"

"Yes! He even teach me how to use his scythe and where to swing it if someone want to hurt me!"

With that, a new player have joined the game.

"What the fuck?! Why are you chasing me?!"

"I can't forgive you for tainting her innocent mind with murder."

At last, [Y/n] watched them running in circle for a while until they get kicked out from the mall. You could say today was truly an interesting day to spend time with your friends and brother.


Such an overprotective brother 😌

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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