~Blossom Dream~

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Chapter 1~
When I open my eyes, cherry blossoms scattered freely and sparkling onto the ground and swirl along with the wind. I look at it's prettiness and suddenly smile. The starry night sky makes everything perfect, calm and peaceful. My eyes sparkles and shines and then when I know it everything disappear and everything was pitch black.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
My alarm clock goes on and I woke up, still half asleep and scratch my head," I guess it was all just a dream." I said to myself. I got out of bed and got ready, like usual I eat breakfast and put my homework into my bags and set out to school. Before I knew it, I was at the turning corner, heading to school. I turn and look at the plain road to my left, then look to my right and another path was there, it seems like it hasn't been use for awhile now, the path was a messy road, with tall grass growing all over the path, making it almost barely to be seen. I look out over the forest that the path leads to and my school caught my eyes," seems like this path might take me straight to school?" I said to myself, I then remember the rumors that everyone was talking about, the path that leads to our school was haunted. I turn to the regular road and then look across the road straight ahead," if I take the original road I would still need to turn by the other corner and then climb up the hill of stairs, and then walked some more before reaching to school. I turn back to the messy road and walked into the forest following the path straight to school.

I didn't get so far yet before I heard something. I stop and listen closely to where the sound was coming from. Suddenly the bushes next to me moved. I step back and watch it cautiously to see if anything will happen. Suddenly a guy popped out and said," dang, if only I could get something to eat, I wouldn't be so hungry." I look at him and said, "who are you?" He froze in place and turn slowly towards me," you can see me?" He asked. I nod my head and said," you don't look like anyone I know, so where are you from?" He moved away and said," impossible, you can't see me. Nobody should be able see me." I shrug my shoulder and said," but I can see you, you're totally visible to me." He gasped in surprise and then turn away from me." Yeah right. Like I'll believe you. I guess I'll just pretend like nothing has happened." He walked away and was still talking to himself," geez, people these day sure do have some wild imagination." I watched as he walked farther away and disappear. I stood there and thought to myself," he doesn't seem normal, I wonder who he is?" I turn around and start walking away," who cares, he's not my problem."

Before I knew it I was at the school entrance, I step off the messy grass and onto the cement road. Everyone looked at me and they all froze in place. I look at everyone and ignored them. I walked pass some students and went into the school and into my classroom. Later on that day everything was normal, except for the fact that everyone's talking about me and what I did this morning." Have you heard? She made it out of that creepy forest in one piece." The girls said to one another. " I know, but she seem fine, I wonder if she sees anything scary at all?" Another girl said to her friends. I listen to what they were say, but yet I ignored them, trying not to get into any drama." Kishini Sakura, I heard you made it out of that creepy old forest." I turn around and then turn back and faced forward. Rina groan and shouted," hey, don't ignore me you dirty rude bug!" Just to tell you this Gil's Tohino Rina, she's the principles' granddaughter, but she's kind of like the bully at school, she always wants what she wants and get things the way she wants, just because she comes from a rich family.

" Hey! Are you listening to me!?"she shouted. I look at her and said," what do you want?" She laugh out loud and then slam her hand on my desk," listen, Sakura, I know that there's been lots of rumors about you, but you better not become more popular then me, understand?" I sigh and said," it's not my fault, everyone just start talking about me, it's not like I wanted them to." She groan and said" well, listen close, bug. If you ever dare to surpass me the princess, no the queen of this school, I'll punish you for your crime, so think of this as a warning." I shrug and face forward, she groan again and walked out of the classroom, and thundered down the hall, her followers ran after her and then they disappear.

That evening I finish my duty work and headed outside, but I stop when I came across the path road again," I wonder if I should take this road again?" I turn and was going to walk home normally, but somehow, something in my mind wanted me to walk the dirt path. I turn around and head down the dirt path. Soon enough it was dark, and I couldn't see what was ahead of me, so I stop and look around," I wonder why it's so hard to get back home, but so easy to get to school?" Suddenly the bushes next to me rustle and I moved back to see what was going to pop out at me, again. But then the guy from earlier popped out and said," dang!, what should I do, I don't even know, if I've been here before or not?" He look at me and starts to freak out," hey aren't you that girl from this morning?" He asked. I nod my head and said," what are you doing here, I thought you left the forest already?" Suddenly I realized that he had horns and wings sticking out from his body. I look at him and wonder to myself," why dose he have horns and wings?" He look at me and then turn away, " don't look at me!" He demanded. I gasped and step back. He quickly tries to run and I tried to stop him, but instead I trip on a tree root and fell forward, he turn around and then suddenly I fell onto him and we both fell to the ground.

I got up and so did he, but when I open my eyes we were face to face. He blushes and push me away," don't get too close to me!" He turn away and I got up to my feet," I wonder if I'm lost?" I asked myself. He turn his head to look at me and said" just keep walking forward and you'll find your way out of here." I turn around and then stop and turn back to asked him," what is your name?" But he was already gone. I then turn around and thought to myself," how strange, he doesn't seem to be human, so I wonder what he is?" I start walking and said to myself," who cares, he's not my problem." When I realize it, I was back at the cement road again. I step onto the sidewalk and look back at the forest, still thinking to myself. But instead of wondering who he was I quickly faced forward and walked home.

That evening, when I got home, I did my homework, watched my favorite T.V show and then took a warm bath. After all that I went to my room and lay down on my bed. " I wonder if that guy made it out of the forest?" I said to myself. I then thought about all the crazy thing that happened today and then suddenly my dream came popping into my mind."That's right." I said to myself." That dream that I have, I wonder what's it trying to tell me? Was I suppose to do something?" I got up and walked to the window, "A starry night what a beautiful night, just like my dream." I then went over to my bed and sat down, then close my eyes," what ever the dream is trying to tell me, I don't really care, but..." I said to myself and then opened my eyes," I wish I could go back there again."

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