~Final Meeting of Two~

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Chapter 8~
After we took care of his foot, I took him outside and asked," where do you live?" He smiled and said," don't worry about that, just walk me around this area of the village." I didn't know what to do so I did what he told me. Suddenly he asked," so what's this plan that you and your friends are going to fulfill?" I was silent for a couple of minutes then said," I can't tell you, I wasn't suppose to tell you anyway." I walk slowly and kept at his pace, he look at me and then smiled to himself," if you didn't want me to know, why did you tell me?" I sighed and said," I can't lie to people, so I'm telling you that we have a plan, but since it's a secret I can't tell you any more then that." He thought for a moment then asked," did Miko tell you to bring me to her?" I didn't say anything, but I knew that he was right. He start laughing and said," I'm right? Aren't I?" I sigh and replied," how did you know?"

He shrug and said," it's because, she's been after me for so long, that she doesn't even want to chase me anymore, so she always send people to come and catch me." I thought for a moment then said," if it's like that all you need to do is talk to her and settle things between you two, right?" He remove himself away from me and said," no way, I don't think I can face her anymore, after all the trouble I've caused her!" I moved closer to him and said," don't move yet or you'll fall." I grab him and he let out a deep sigh," I'm a wrong love for her, just tell her that we shouldn't ever meet again, and tell her to stop coming after me." I look at him and said," why don't you tell her yourself." He gasped and look at me seriously," I told you I can't, I'm not of equal with her, so..."

I cut him off and said," it doesn't matter if you are the same equal, if you want her to stop chasing you, you need to be the one to step up and change who you are. " he turn away and said," you don't understand." I turn his face to look at me and said," you are only hurting yourself and the one you love, if you don't do something, then you'll only be left behind, think about it. Miko still loves you, even after so long she's still looking for you. If she doesn't love you, would she be asking me and my friends for help, of course not. she knows that the only thing that can help her now, are the one close to her, she asked even people she doesn't know, all for you, cause she loves you. But you never thought about that did you?" He gasped and look at me in the eyes," make the move, change yourself. You'll be of the same equal, just keep trying and never give up." He smiled sadly and said," your right, I guess I should really go and see her." I nod my head and said," right, but first we need to find my friends."

After wondering around the village we finally found Akiro and his brothers," where've you been, we been looking all over for you?" Suddenly Akiro stop and look at us," Fushi?" Akiro said a bit confused. "Aren't you Vishino Fushi?" He look at Akiro and smiled," well if it isn't Akiro, long time no see." Akiro walked over to us and said," I thought you were big sis boyfriend, how come your wanted?" I look at Akiro and said," it's a long story, but I'll tell you along the way, let's just get back." They agree and we went back to the mansion.

One the way back I explained everything to Akiro, he was kind of upset with the part about Fushi running away from Miko. But I told him that the both of them are going to talk things threw, so he calmed down a bit. When we arrived Miko came running to greet us," welcome back everyone!" She jumped up and gave me a big huge," it's nice to see you again." I look at her and said," it's only been a day since we left?" She smiled and said," I know, but I miss you already." She turn to Fushi and said," we finally meet again." Fushi look at her seriously and said," we need to talk."

That night everyone was to leave the two of them alone, but instead, we were eavesdrop on them." So what do you want to talk about?" Asked Miko. Fushi look at her and said," I never though that you would've been chasing me all this time." Miko was confuse for a moment then said," of course I would, you know I still love you, right?" Fushi turn away and said," I'm sorry, but today is going to be our farewell." Miko sadly then said," what do you mean, I though we love each other?" Fushi let out a deep sigh and said," I'm sorry, but I don't think we were meant to be. You're just too much farther away from me. Whenever I try to keep up with you, you would always be ahead, it's like a stair that won't ever let us meet. I'm always chasing you and your always getting farther away, so I've decided that it's best for us to just be friends from now on." Miko lower her eyes and said," so I guess this is it." She look at him sadly and asked," what are you going to do now then?"

Fushi smiled and said," since our misunderstanding is over and you understand me without any problem. I'm going to tell you something very important." Miko look at him and said," what is it, please tell me!?" Fushi sighed and close his eyes," there's someone else that I like and I want you to know, before I leave." Miko got serious and shouted," who is it! Tell me!" Fushi look at her and said," it's Sakura." Miko suddenly felt sad and asked," but why her, of all people.?" Fushi was now more relief and said," she was special, something about her made her different from everyone else, I'm sorry to say this but, I think it's best to tell you everything about why I liked her." Miko sat down and listen sadly.

Suddenly Akiro burst open the door and shouted," no, you can't like Sakura!" I walked into the room and said," so you decided to leave her because you're now in love with me?" He nod his head and said," I was going to return back to Miko, but after meeting you I fell in love again. Everyone is the same, they all tell me to keep running away from Miko. But you were something else, instead of telling me to run you told me to face Miko myself, you encourage me and I felt warm, at first I thought that maybe you were just playing around with me, but then you said something to me, that made me feel confident again," you need to be the one to step up, and change who you are." Those words made me happy and so that's why I took the step and come see Miko for the last time before I leave and take you along with me."
Everyone blocked me and Akiro said," there's no way we'll give her to you." I push past him and said," I'm sorry, but I can't go with you." Everyone look at me and I said," Miko was the only reason why I brought you back and encourage you. But now I felt bad for making you like me because I encouraged you." Fushi smiled and said," well you did tell me to never give up. So even if you rejected me, I'll just ask you again until you say yes." I let out a sigh and said," I can't say yes to you even if I was forced to, my only purpose here was to find the path and get back home." Fushi look at me and said," so your looking for the wondering path, right?" I look at him and said," if you know something please tell me." He close his eyes and said," I'll tell you if you become my girlfriend." I turn away and said," I told you I won't, even if I'm forced to. If you don't want to tell me then it's fine, I'll just find it myself." I turn away and walked out. Everyone followed me and we left them.

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