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;  quick note  ,,  ty for all the views && i have a new book so please go read iT  -

the sound of what seemed to be an alarm could be heard  .  but not inside the room , more of . . . running around the house ?  the blonde was the first to wake up , stretching his arms up and yawning .

cameron made his way down stairs , rubbing his eyes as he watched mason run around only wearing a pair of boxers while making alarm noises . toby was sitting on the couch on her phone and everyone else was recording and laughing at mason .

"  the fuck ?  " cam asked , leaning on the wall as he questioned what he woke up too . " ey look a faggot ! did you and swagger fuck last night then ? " this caused the blondes face to go red , rolling his eyes and walking towards the kitchen " nope . "

hearing mason whine  ,  cam let out a soft laugh  .  sorting himself a bowl of cereal  ,  he walked back to the living room and watched mason while eating his coco pops  .

"  hey cameron  ,  so are you and swagger together now  ?  "  toby asked  ,  looking up from her phone and adjusting her glasses  .   the kiwi practically choked on his cereal  ,  coughing and hitting his chest  .   once he could breathe again he shook his head and responded  ,  "  we arent official  .. yet  . "

everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to him  ,  either with a confused expression or a goofy grin  .  "  ask him  !   or are you a pussy  ?  "  mason teased  .  cam laughed as his face turned red  . 

everyones attention shot towards the short male who groaned while walking downstairs  .   raising his head slightly  ,  swagger gave everyone a confused look  .  '  what  ?  '  escaped the males mouth in a raspy tone  .  cam was about to say something but mason butted in  .  '  yo did you a cam fuck last night  ?   cam says you didnt but he could be lying  ,  also why arent you ' s two together yet  ?  '  the hyper boy asked  ,  letting himself fall onto the couch  .

swaggers face flushed red as he continued downstairs  ,  coughing slightly  .  '  one  ,   no we didnt fuck last night  .  two  ,  because we havent asked eachother yet  .  '  the brunette responded while walking to the kitchen  .   the new zealender continued to stay quiet as he played with his hair  .  

swagger entered the room with a cup of what seemed to be coffee and sat on the floor in front of the couch  .  '  what kind of piss are you watching  ?  '  swags said in a confused and disgusted voice  .  '  drag race australia  .  '  toby responded blankly while watching it  .  seeing the people dressed up and all made swagger laugh  .  '  they look stupid  !  '  the laughed male blurted out  .  '  you always look stupid  ,  so shut up  .  '  the female responded one again  ,  continued to watch tv and not look at swagger who now had a offended expression while staring at toby  .

laughter filled the room as everyone watched the scene play out  .  the tall blonde stood up and stretched once again  .  '  im gonna go stream or play guitar  ,  havent decided what one yet  .  '  cam said while walking up the stairs  .  hearing everyone say either ' ok ' or ' alright ' before he closed his room door  .  

cam decided on playing  ,  but it was the ukulele instead of the guitar  .   holding the small instrument  ,  he strummed a few times to see if it was tuned  ,   lucky for him it was  .   noise escaped the wooden object as he played different chords  .  making a small song  ,  he repeated the tune a few times before changing a few chords here and there  . 

while playing the small guitar he got a notification from discord through his computer  .  walking over to his desk  ,,  he flicked to discord and saw toby on the small dm group chat they made for when they are gonna record together  .  toby had asked everyone to join call and play csgo with her  .  so they obliged and began to play  .

once the section was over  ,  they stopped recording and most left call  .  leaving zuckles  ,  smii7y  ,  kryoz and toby talking to eachother  .  cam saved the recorded piece and decided he was going to edit it himself  ,  and begin doing it tomorrow  . 

yawning  ,  the blond stood up and threw himself onto his bed  ,  only to land ontop of the ukulele  .  he groaned as he pulled the instrument out from under his chest and placed it carefully on the floor  . 

the new zealender was slowly drifting off into a slumber  .  just as his eyes closed  ,  they shot open once again at a loud thud against his window  .  looking out it  ,  he saw egg  .  and mason in the yard with a container full of them  .

'  mason . . . '

;  i am so sorry for the long wait smh  .  anyway i might re right this book  .  the plot is fecked up and i forgot where i was taking this story 💀 hope you enjoy this small filler chapter to pay back for my absence  .  and again  ,  tysm for the views  !!  bye  !✨

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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