End of Summer - #Imagine with Eric Secharia

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Summer is coming to a close. School is around the corner & you wanted to end the summer on a high note.

You and Eric have been together for six months. You met each other during one of Eric's trips to Arizona earlier this year to visit family. Eric was with one of his cousins at a coffee shop when you caught his eye. You guys started talking over frappachinos & macchiatos about school and how his band was starting out.

You filled him in on how you were studying to get your child development degree and how Eric was excitedly talking about his group Midnight Red. He was explaining how they finished up recording their first album in Paris. Both of you were captivated with each other and how you were totally entranced by his smile and his laugh. Whenever he would laugh at your jokes it brought a smile on your face and a warm ball of fuzziness in your tummy.

You guys kept in touch during the months due to your schooling and Eric's various shows and promotions he did in California. It's hard to keep a long distance relationship because whenever one was free, the other was busy with a project or a show.

So you made time to see each other in August. You phoned Eric, "Hey Boo! I know you're busy with appearances, but if you're free the first weekend in August give me a call. That's my only free week before I start prepping for the school year. Ill be waiting for your call babe! " Eric calls you back and confirms that he's got that weekend free.

The 3rd of August arrives. Eric picks you up from your home. Your family was there so you took him in introducing him to your parents and siblings. Both you and Eric were unsure about how they'll accept him. Your family welcomed him with open arms. They fell in love with his explosive energy and its that smile of his that's his main charm weapon. You had lunch with the family before you're off to your quiet weekend with Eric. Even though Eric claims to be ackward the majority of the time, He felt right at home with your family.

You were unsure what was in store for you that weekend. He did say pack something light, bring a good pair of walking shoes and bring your sense of adventure. You think to yourself, "What does he have planned for us?!" 

So you and Eric jump into his Expedition. While buckling up, you turn to look at Eric. He still has that wicked smile on his face. Yes you love his smile. But he's got a few of them and the one plastered on his face was the 'I'm so excited she's going to be surprised' smile. He looks over at you,"Are you ready for the weekend babe?" "Yes! Where are we going?" You enquire. Eric puts his Ray-bans on, starts the engine and says in a deep voice,"We're boldly going to where no man's gone before" You just giggle and he joins you in the laugh fest. "Nah baby, its a surprise. You'll like it. We will be one with nature." You ponder on that thought...'one with nature.' Well, wherever you're going you know you'll like it.

So you're driving north in a sense towards Vegas leaving Phoenix. On the drive you got to learn more about Eric and his family. He in turn got to learn a little bit of your wacky siblings and cousins. There was talk about the most randomest things and how he and Anthony got attacked by birds on the beach. Just random chatter you enjoyed with Eric. In reality you were listening to him talk and tell of all the fun quirky times he and the guys have had.

Then you notice, wait, you're approaching Las Vegas city limits. Eric is focusing on the road. "Hey Eric, We're here in Vegas." "Yes, that is right. My original plan was to go camping out in the desert but thought it might be better to have some fun in Las Vegas. Are you up for that?" Hell, any time spent with Eric is a plus! You reply back, "Hell yeah! Let's take on Sin City!" 

So with that said, Eric calls up a friend. It was a last minute thing to do. He asked her to book a hotel for them and she did. When they arrived, they were greeted with the bellhop ready to take your luggage in. Eric opens your door, "Here we are My lady!" You look up and its one of those small boutique hotels off the strip. Its small but in the words of Anthony,"this hotel has swagg! " you walk into the hotel and its all white. In the center of the lobby its got shagg carpeting and a round vinyl purple couch sitting in the middle. You are in awe of this hiptastic surroundings. It fits Eric's style and its not too Vegas flashy. Eric checks in and once you reach your posh deluxe room, you're just in awe with the colors. Its all white with blue velvet down covers on the gigantic king sized bed. You dropped your stuff at the door and ran and jumped on the big bed. Oh the feel of cushy softness around you! You melt into the bed. You're in heaven! 

Eric is at the door and has that big grin on his face. He closes the door and approaches the bed. He whips out his iPhone and snaps a picture of you with the royal blue comforter enveloping you. 

Eric takes off his jacket and toes off his shoes and snuggles up behind you. You snuggle in closer to his touch. "Oh Eric, this is heaven." He smirks but with that smile on his face he gives a light kiss," I thought you'd like this. I did have other plans for us this evening but we can stay in bed all day if you like." "Yes please" and with that both of you pass out.

An hour later you wake up before Eric does. You turn around and you're just admiring his calm features. You lightly run your hands through his hair, your finger trails along the lines of his sweet lips. You continue lightly touching him down his skin tight shirt towards his hip hugging pants. You hear Eric emit a low moan. He's slowly waking up. 

Eric slowly awakens,"Hey babe." You Kiss him on his sweet lips and you spend the afternoon frolicking around in bed and later in the evening, take on The strip. 

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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