Cavernheart (closed), Craterbreeze (closed) and Cavebounce (closed)

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Name: Cavernpaw
Clan: Gem Clan
Appearance: ginger and white she-cat with green eyes.
Personality: Cavernpaw is kind and popular. She is liked by everyone.
Extra details: top left

Name: Craterpaw
Clan: Gem Clan
Appearance: brown and white tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.
Personality: Craterpaw is loyal and determined. She can be rebellious at times.
Extra details: top right

Name: Cavepaw
Clan: Gem Clan
Appearance: brown tabby tom with a cream underbelly and amber eyes.
Personality: Cavepaw is cheerful and happy a lot of the time. He likes to be the centre of attention.
Extra details: bottom right

Parents: Chalkbounce and Amberstone
Other siblings: Rockpaw
Other cat in the picture: Darkshine


1. Cavernheart -Fern_Cloud
2.  Cavernblaze -Free_spirit-
3. Cavernsoul -MoontheCatwithaMoon
4. Cavenspirit -DogsAndCats18
5. Cavernecho -willowshade8


Cavernheart (Fern_Cloud )
Runner up:
Cavernsoul (MoontheCatwithaMoon )


1. Craterflame -Fern_Cloud
2.  Craterslash -Free_spirit-
3. Craterheart -MoontheCatwithaMoon
4. Craterblaze -DogsAndCats18
5. Craterbreeze -willowshade8


Craterbreeze (willowshade8 )
Runner up:
Craterslash (Free_spirit- )


1.  Caveberry -Fern_Cloud
2.  Cavebounce -Free_spirit-
3. Caveflame -MoontheCatwithaMoon
4. Caveheart -DogsAndCats18
5. Caveshadow -willowshade8


Cavebounce (Free_spirit- )
Runner up:
Caveheart (DogsAndCats18 )

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