Blueblaze (closed)

35 6 14

Bluepaw is a blueish-grey tom with green eyes. He is curious and smart.

1. Bluespark -SoraWritesStuffs
2. Bluelight -kiaratheloiness
3. Bluedrop -NightWispersToYou
4. Bluewater --FiveAnimals-
5. Bluewind -HoneyBlade56
6. Bluefoot -WillowMystery567
7. Bluefern -xXLunaWolfPupXx
8. Blueripple -Nightshift51216
9. Blueflicker -Kawaii_lollipop
10. Bluewhisker -Ginbellneko
11. Bluestorm -Mapleshade_rules
12. Blueblaze -Peachleaf_is_bored
13. Bluerunner -Minnow4
14. Blueflight -fernkitten


Blueblaze (Peachleaf_is_bored )
Runner up:
Bluespark (SoraWritesStuffs )

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