Blazelion (c), Lemurleap (c), Shinethorn (c), Shadowstream (c) and ...

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Blazelion (c), Lemurleap (c), Shinethorn (c), Shadowstream (c) and Snowstormfall (c)

Blazepaw is a ginger and white tabby tom with blue eyes. He's confident and would make a great leader. He is often found telling his siblings what to do.
Lemurpaw is a white she-cat with black patches and green eyes. She's sarcastic, playful and doesn't like to have too many friends.
Shinepaw is a white she-cat with a tabby calico patch and green eyes. She is spoiled, proud and bossy.
Shadowpaw a brown and white tabby tom with dark green eyes. He follows Shinepaw around and does what she tells him to do. He's quiet timid and a bit of a pushover.
Snowstormpaw is a black tom with a white chest and blue eyes. He is inquisitive and curious. He is also very competitive.


1. Blazeheart -Kawaii_lollipop
2. Blazemountain -HoneyBlade56
3. Blazenose -kiaratheloiness
4. Blazelion -Musical_Spirit
5. Blazefire -ShadowBite0
6. Blazestrom -Nightshift51216
7. Blazeflare -NightWispersToYou
8. Blazestrike -EvieHisey8
9. Blazeroar -Minnow4
10. Blazelava -JennyFline


Blazelion (Musical_Spirit )
Runner up:
Blazestorm (Nightshift51216 )


1. Lemurwish -Kawaii_lollipop
2. Lemurjump -HoneyBlade56
3. Lemurhop -kiaratheloiness
4. Lemurstrike -Musical_Spirit
5. Lemurhiss -ShadowBite0
6. Lemurfrost -Nightshift51216
7. Lemurflurry -NightWispersToYou
8. Lemurheart -EvieHisey8
9. Lemurleap -Minnow4
10. Lemurclaw -JennyFline
11. Lemursnap -SoraWritesStuffs


Lemurleap (Minnow4 )
Runner up:
Lemursnap (SoraWritesStuffs )


1. Shinethorn -Kawaii_lollipop
2. Shineriver -HoneyBlade56
3. Shinefur -kiaratheloiness
4. Shinewind -Musical_Spirit
5. Shinebite -ShadowBite0
6. Shinefrost -Nightshift51216
7. Shinesnow -NightWispersToYou
8. Shinepelt -EvieHisey8
9. Shinestorm -Minnow4
10. Shinespiral -JennyFline
11. Shinelight -PebbleClan_Roselight


Shinethorn (Kawaii_lollipop )
Runner up:
Shinefrost (Nightshift51216 )


1. Shadowbird -Kawaii_lollipop
2. Shadowstream -HoneyBlade56
3. Shadowfoot -kiaratheloiness
4. Shadowsnow -Musical_Spirit
5. Shadowtrail -ShadowBite0
6. Shadowrunner -Nightshift51216
7. Shadowmoss -NightWispersToYou
8. Shadowheart -EvieHisey8
9. Shadownose -Minnow4
10. Shadowdust -SoraWritesStuffs


Shadowstream (HoneyBlade56 )
Runner up:
Shadowtrail (ShadowBite0 )


1. Snowstormstrike -Kawaii_lollipop
2. Snowstormrunner -HoneyBlade56
3. Snowstormfast -kiaratheloiness
4. Snowstormheart -Musical_Spirit
5. Snowstormfall -ShadowBite0
6. Snowstormpath -Nightshift51216
7. Snowstormflash -NightWispersToYou
8. Snowstormear -EvieHisey8
9. Snowstormflare -Minnow4
10. Snowstormmist -JennyFline
11. Snowstormgaze -SoraWritesStuffs


Snowstormfall (ShadowBite0 )
Runner up:
Snowstormheart (Musical_Spirit )

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