The Origins °°

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-What is she doing up?-
It was that annoying voice, the one that called me stupid while I was pretending to be asleep.
The guy I was following stopped in front of the door that voice came from. And when I saw the person behind that voice, I recognized him as one of the three running guys. He had black hair parted on one side and big lips. And looking at him closely, he wasn't that tall, but looked pretty strong and agile.

-I found her on the stairs...- He answered.
-What do you mean? We just went to check on her and she was still asleep...- That guy that I remembered being called Moth countered.
-Well, you should have double checked...- The armed guy answered.
-Wait, was she trying to escape?- Moth asked, looking at me annoyed.
-Mmm, no, she was just lost...- He answered, covering up my little escape attempt. And in that moment I was grateful for that, because Moth looked scary with that mad expression on his face.
-Whatever... Bring her to Beetle...- Moth said, before going back to what he was doing, which I had no idea what it was.

The still nameless guy started walking again and I followed him. We arrived to another staircase and went down this one too. Now we were at the first floor and it looked different from the other two floors. The hallway wasn't as narrow and there weren't lots of rooms, only a few. We passed in front of one that, looking inside, I found out to be a kitchen and a dining room. It looked pretty big, like the lunchroom we had at the orphanage, but less creepy.
All the other doors were closed and there was no one around. We stopped in front of one of the doors and the guy knocked.

-Come in- The same female voice I heard during my fake nap answered from inside the room.
We entered and I found myself in a huge room with four people that seemed pretty shocked to see me.
-Beetle, a little present for you...- The guy that brought me there said to the only woman in the room.
She didn't look that old, she must've been 25. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Long black hair, elegant features. She looked so classy and chic that it was hard to believe she was part of the same group Moth belonged to.
-She's awake!- Another voice said, startling me from how loud it was. And I recognized it as the other male's voice in my room earlier. Cricket, as Beetle called him. He was another one of the three guys that were there during the shooting. I looked at him and he had red hair and a large smile, which I didn't notice that night because of the darkness and obviously because of the situation.

-Oh, are you okay? You shouldn't have stood up!- Another voice, a worried low voice, spoke. It belonged to a kid who had an innocent look and a mass of blue hair on his head. He was the third one, together with Moth and Cricket, that saved me from dying in the middle of the street.
-Guys, let her breathe...- Beetle said and every one shut up.
-Sit down...- She then told me, pointing to the chair in front of what looked like her office table.
She was sitting on the other side of it, while everyone else was standing in different parts of the room.
Once I was seated in front of her, she started talking again.
-How are you feeling?- She asked with a soft, reassuring tone, but her expression was still serious, no smile.
-Confused...- I answered.
-I think she's talking about this, kid...- The guy that brought me there, who was standing behind me, put his hand on my shoulder. I hissed in pain.
-Wasp!- The woman raised her voice.
-Beetle, we all know that THIS- he said, pointing at me, -was a huge mistake... They should have never gone there behind our backs and especially not without me or one of my people!-
The guy sounded pissed.
-Wasp, don't raise your voice at me. They've already been scolded. Now go take a hike...- She answered calmly.
The guy, apparently called Wasp, huffed and left the room.

-Beetle, I'll never say it enough, but I'm really sorry... We thought it was a safe deal... How could we imagine they were gonna find out about it...- The blue haired guy said.
-Yeah, Butterfly's right... We had no idea that....- Cricket was interrupted.
-Guys, it's okay... I know you had good intentions, just next time remember that every move you make has to be approved by me first...-
-Yes, Beetle...- They both said, bowing their heads.

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