The Weakness °

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The next morning I woke up in a good mood, but I didn't know it wasn't gonna last long.
I was in my office as usual, Cricket had brought the report of the job we had just closed so I was reading it. He said the payment was going to happen in the afternoon and he was going there with Wasp. Everything was normal up to that point.
Then Dragonfly came to my office.

-Hey, have you seen Honeybee? He's not at his desk... I wanted to ask him about something...-
-Are you sure? He's always at his desk...-
I started having a weird feeling, because Honeybee was always the first to wake up, even before me, which is crazy because I barely sleep, even though lately I was finally able to get a few hours of sleep at least.
Every time I passed in front of his office, he was there doing something on his computer, so what Dragonfly said threw me off.
-Should I check in his room? Maybe he's still sleeping...- He proposed.
-Uhmm... I'll go, I need to talk to Ladybug anyway...-
I actually needed to talk to Ladybug about her training, but I was more concerned about why Honeybee wasn't at his desk and since they share the same room, I thought I could go check myself.

Once in front of their room, I knocked and I heard Ladybug's voice saying I could get inside.
When I entered I instantly noticed she was alone in the room, sitting on a chair and reading the book I had given her while her brother was in mission, to keep her busy. But there was no sign of Honeybee.
-Hey... Where's your brother?- I asked her without beating around the bush.
-Oh, he woke up early this morning and said he was going somewhere...-
My eyeballs were about to pop off.
-What?! You mean he... left the House? Alone?-
She didn't look nearly as worried as I was.
-He said it was okay... Why do you have that expression? Should I be worried?- She asked, changing expression after seeing mine.
I tried to put myself back together and not to worry her.
-No, it's... He was probably right... Don't worry... You just stay here and don't leave your room... I'll see you later...- I said, then closed the door and rushed downstairs, looking for Dragonfly.

-We have a problem!- I told him as soon as I found him.
-What? He's not in his room?- He asked.
-He left the House!- I said, alarmed.
Gladly Dragonfly seemed as worried as I was, so I felt less stupid.
-Why would he do that?- He asked, frustrated.
-I don't know, he didn't tell his sister either... What do we do now? I mean, he should be fine, right? No one outside the House knows that he works for us...-
-You can never be too sure... Try to call him on the phone... I'll go talk to Beetle...-
I agreed and went to my office. I took my phone and clicked on his contact. He didn't pick up. I kept calling, several times, but nothing.
Then Dragonfly and Beetle came in.

-Did he answer?- Beetle asked.
-No, he's still not answering!- I said, while trying to call him for the nth time.
-Should we talk to the others? Maybe someone has seen him and knows where he went...- Beetle proposed.
-Yeah, that's a good idea... Can you guys take care of that? I'll keep trying to get in touch with him...- I asked them.
-Yeah, sure... We're on it...- Dragonfly said, before they left the room.

-Come on, pick up! Come on!- I kept saying out loud, waiting for him to answer his phone, while my anxiety was building up inside of me.
A few minutes later they knocked on the door.
-Come in-
It was Butterfly and I thought he was there to give me some news. At least I hoped he was.
-Is he back? Did you find him?- I asked him, impatient.
-Oh, you already know?- He looked surprised.
-What do you mean? Of course I know...-
-And are you mad at me? I know, it was my responsibility and I...-
-What are you talking about? Honeybee was my responsibility...- I interrupted him and he looked at me confused.
-Honeybee? What does he have to do with this?-
I didn't know if my brain wasn't functioning properly or if the whole situation was actually messed up.
-Butterfly, Honeybee is missing...-
-What?! Since when?- He asked shocked. He clearly had no idea.
-This morning... If you didn't know, what were you talking about, then?- I asked him.
-One of my men disappeared...- He said looking down.
-What?!- I was shocked. It really couldn't get any worse than that.

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