Accidents happen (dad! Shawn)

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It was a week before the tour, and everything was ok. Shawn was spending most of his time with Raul, your little son who just turned 4. He was an accident, but he turned out to be your greatest blessing. You were 23 when it happened, and Shawn was 25. You two decided to raise him on your own, even though Shawn still was in the middle of his career, and things would be ruff, you wanted to give it a shot. And although there were a lot of moments Shawn couldn't be there, at the end it would work out. But the fact he was going on tour was hard. He hadn't been on tour since Raul was born, so you were anxious about him leaving. Not only for you, because you needed help with Raul, but for Raul. He was going to have to miss his dad for more then two months, and it tears you apart from the inside, just thinking about it.

"Look mommy, i made daddy a card!" Raul came running up to you from the kitchen table, proudly holding a card with some stickman figures drawn on it. You were sitting on the couch with a hot cup of tea, waiting for Shawn to finally come home from his repetitions. You carefully placed the cup on the table and reached your arms out to Raul. "Aw, let me see it sweetheart." He walked into your direction and handed you the card. "Look,"he said while pointing to the stickmans. "That one is daddy, cause he is holding a maicropoon." You giggled about Rauls pronunciation. "And thats you mummy!" Raul said while pointing at the stickman holding stickman Shawn's hand. "And that's me with Tommy." He explained, while pointing at the third, little stickman, holding your stickmans hand. He was holding a little teddy bear. "Do you think daddy will like it?" Raul asked you with hopeful eyes. You smiled at him and replied. "He'll love it, i'm sure." And when you finished your sentence, you heard the front door open. "Daddy!!" Raul shouted, while already running towards the door between the living room and the hallway. Shawn opened the door and came walking in with his guitar case in his hand. "Hey buddy!" He said. He placed his guitar on the ground and pulled Raul up from the ground, giving him a big hug. You pulled yourself from the couch, and walked towards the kitchen. Shawn walked over to you, with Raul still sitting on his arm. "Hey sweetheart", He said while pulling in for a kiss. But you quickly turned your head so the kiss landed on your cheek. Shawn frowned and looked at you with a confused face. He placed Raul down on the ground. "You wanna go play with the train buddy? i'll come help you in a second!" Raul nodded and ran to the living room towards his box with toys, taking out the train. "Are you alright?" Shawn asked worried. "I made you some leftovers." You said, ignoring his question. You walked towards the fridge, taking them out to heat them up. "y/n what's going on?" Shawn asked with an even bigger frown. You sight. "i'm fine" You said. But of course you were not fine. Shawn was leaving for tour in a week, and it was awful. As happy as you were for him, you hated it. "Just please go watch Raul, i'll prepare your food." But as soon as you realised how quiet it was, you turned your head to Raul, seeing him trying to drink from your boiling hot tea. "NO RAUL DON'T" You screamed, already running down at him full speed. Shawn turned around, not aware of the whole situation. Raul froze, and the cup fell on the table, but you were fast enough to pick him up before the tea was running over him. Raul started crying. "what were you doing with that tea?" You asked him, while trying to calm him down. "well, i-i was thirsty, a-a-and you always drink that when you are thirsty, s-s-so i wanted to try it too." You started stroking his back. "its alright sweetheart." you told him. "mummy is here, it was just a little scare." Raul's sobbing slowly calmed down, and he started to relax. Shawn hadn't moved even a bit since the whole situation started happening. "Are you alright?" You asked your son while pulling back from the hug, keeping him close to you. Raul looked around, and suddenly started crying again. "M-m-my card...." he said while pointing at the table, seeing Shawns card laying there, completely soaked into the tea. "we'll make another one tomorrow ok?" You told Raul while looking him into his hazel eyes. Raul sadly nodded at you, rubbing his eyes. "I think you are a but tired now huh, maybe it's time for bed?" You said to Raul. He shrug his shoulders. "Here, let me take him." Shawn suddenly said while walking out of the kitchen. You frowned at him, but gave carefully gave him Raul. "goodnight sweetheart." You said while placing a kiss on his head. "goodnight mommy." He replied. Shawn started walking in the direction of the stairs, and brought him to his room. You looked around and saw the mess that was created in the living room in the last 15 minutes. You walked to the kitchen and took a cleaning cloth out of one of the cabinets. Then you walked back and started cleaning up the mess that was made. You weren't blaming Raul at all. If anyone, you were blaming yourself and Shawn, for not watching him while you had to. Shawn came downstairs again, returning from bringing Raul to bed. He walked up to you, watching you clean the coffee table that was full of tea. "What's that?" Shawn asked while carefully picking up the soaking wet card Raul made. "Your son made that for you." You replied emotionless. Shawn looked at you, again with a frown on his face. "y/n can't you please just tell me what's going on with you?" Shawn asked frustrated. "This isn't my fault, you were the one that had hot tea in Rauls grabbing distance at the first place. You looked up at him, almost in shock that he was really saying this. "oh so its my fault now? Cause thats whats super important here?" You asked. "Maybe, what else could there be with you." Shawn said while shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe, you are leaving me for two months to go touring." You snapped out. "Maybe, we have a kid together. Maybe he should be raised by two parents. Maybe you should start to notice that. And maybe you shouldn't leave me damn it." You stared at him with tears into your eyes, waiting for him to finally respond at your harsh words. But Shawn was in shock to hear this, and didn't really know what to respond. "y/n listen-" "No, just no. i don't wanna hear another lecture about how much touring means to you and how you have to go. I just really don't need that now." Shawn sights. "Can't you just shut up for a second?" Shawn asked frustrated. You looked at him with a hurt face. "Please." he suddenly added, trying to make the sentence he accidentally snapped out a little better. "Listen," he said while pulling you on the couch. "I had a surprise for you, but guess i'll just tell you now." You gave him a confused face while he grabbed your hand and entangled your fingers into his. "i've talked to Andrew, and we've agreed on something." By now you were even more confused, and not sure where this was going. "I'm taking you and Raul with me." You were more then in shock hearing this. "w-what?" You replied. "We are coming with you on tour?" You asked, not really being able to process what he just said. Shawn nodded as a response. "o-omg really?" Shawn started giggling a little. "yes, how many times are you gonna ask me to confirm it. I took care of the whole trip, the only thing you have to do is agree." You were speechless, not really sure what to think of this. You were happy, but shocked. "y/n can you please be excited and say yes?" He asked while pulling onto your arm to move you a little closer. "i'm really sorry if i made you feel unwanted, i love you so much, but i was just really busy taking care of the trip." You nodded, and he pulled you into a hug. A tear escaped from the corner of your eye, which caused Shawn to pull back. It wasn't a tear because you were sad, it just came because of all the mixed emotions you were feeling. he used his thumb to wipe it away. "please don't cry, i really love you." He said, while moving his head closer to yours, and softly pressing his lips on yours.

"I love you too."

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