Game Stop

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"Hey, so how does a wedding work?" Kakyoin asks one day while Jotaro is chilling at his pad. It's been a month since Jotaro proposed to his homeboy, and neither of them have done anything to plan or prepare for it. They don't have a venue, a date, or anything.

"I have no idea, 'Yoin." Jotaro reclines in the red beanbag chair he's sitting in and pops a Goldfish™ (No copyright infringement intended, property of NYSE:CPB, 2019©) cracker into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

"I mean, we've gotta think of something." Kakyoin mindlessly polishes his Sailor Moon figure, deep in thought.

"Like in October or somethin'? Like that's a month from now, do you think that that's enough time to prep?"

"I guess so." Kakyoin pauses in his cleaning and moves to his Rose Gold MacBook Air. "I have an idea."

He furiously types on it and then clicks on a webpage. He turns the screen towards Jotaro, displaying a Wikihow article titled: How to Plan for Your Wedding.

"Is this a reliable source? My teach always told me to make sure all of my sources are cited and reliable."

"Yes man. Okay, so it says first that you've gotta get engaged.......... yeah. Then we have to have bachelor and bachelorette parties... hmm..."

"Do you want to have a bachelor's party, homeboy fiancé?"

"Sure I guess? What would we even do though?"

"I mean... where do you want to go? I'll go wherever you wanna go, bro."

"I kinda want to go to GameStop."

"For the bachelor's party? That's kinda lame-"

"You said you'd go anywhere I wanted to go!" Kakyoin says in a strangled voice.

"Homeboy! I'm sorry!" Jotaro rushes over to Kakyoin and gives him a big hug. Kakyoin pulls him off with Hierophant Green and throws him across the room. Jotaro smashes into the dry wall with a deafening crack, shattering the mirror that Kakyoin had on his wall and knocking his anime figures onto the floor. He falls downs two stories and lands in a bush.

"Whoops." Kakyoin laughs awkwardly, staring at the gaping hole in his wall.

"Homeboy, you did not have to do that." Jotaro grunts, extracting his body from the destroyed shrubbery.

"Are you calm? I'm really sorry, I didn't know Hierophant was that strong-"

"It's fine bro, I shouldn't've hugged you without consent. It doesn't matter that we're fiancés, I still can't touch you if you don't wanna be touched."

"Wow, thanks for appreciating my personal space and right to consent, homeboy fiancé."

"NP, man. Anyways, what are we supposed to do about this big-as-heck hole in the wall?"

"I dunno. Should we call up Josuke to fix it?"

"I guess so."

Jotaro pulls out his Motorola DynaTAC 8000x and calls up Josuke.

"Hello, whom is this?" Josuke says in a crisp British accent.

"Homie, why are you talking in a British accent? That's my thing, dummy."

"The British blood flows in my viens, just like how it flows through yours, and I must express it."

"Okay, whatever. Come fix this big hole in Kakyoin's wall, please. He accidentally threw me out of it."

"That sounds acceptable. I will be over at your humble abode in 5 minutes. Please wait patiently for my arrival."

"Okay, whatever dude." Jotaro hangs up, wondering what's up with Josuke.

Goodnight, Homie (Jotaro x Kakyoin?)Where stories live. Discover now