chapter 5

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The party rolls around and there are a lot of people.

"Avi! You made it!" Scott says, "Our friends want to meet you!"

"Cool, man!" Avi says, "Thanks for inviting me. Nice costume."

Scott looks down at his suit with a superman shirt underneath the button up. "Thanks. Yours is cool too."

"Can't go wrong with Skywalker," Avi says. "Where are your friends? I'd love to meet them."

Scott leads Avi to his friends.

"Okay, this is Rachel, Matt, you know Kit, and there's Kevin, and Mitch and Beau."

"Hey, guys! Oh, I love the Ash and Pikachu costumes," Avi gestures to Mitch and Brett.

"Thanks," Brett says.

"I'm glad that he chose me," Mitch says.

Brett laughs. "You're so cute."

"Where's Mark?" Scott asks.

"He's not feeling well," Kevin says.

"He's at his own dorm?"

"No, I let him take my room. I'll sleep in Mitch's room, and Mitch can go to Beau's dorm," Kirstin says.

"I'm gonna go check on him," Scott says, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

Scott knocks on the door to Kirstin's room. "Mark? Everything okay in there?"

"Come in," Mark says, weakly.

Scott walks in and Mark has lost all of the color in his face. He's not even sitting on the bed, he's sitting beside it, leaning his head on it as he holds his stomach.

"Hey, Marky," Scott says, "Oh, you don't feel very well at all, huh? I'm sorry."

Mark shakes his head, and a tear rolls down his cheek. "Not your fault," he says.

Scott's heart snaps for a moment. "Anything I can get you? Some crackers? Bottle of water?"

"I'm okay," Mark says, "It's just loud and I want to go to sleep."

"I don't think I can convince them to turn the music down," Scott sits in front of Mark, "Want me to give you a ride to your place?"

"Have you been drinking?" Mark asks.

"Haven't had anything yet," Scott says, "Want me to pull my car around?"

Mark nods slowly. "If you don't mind."

"I'll be right back," Scott says.

He goes and pulls his car around front, and goes back to Kirstin's room. "Okay, it's on out there, and I even have a bag in case you need to hurl."

Mark smiles for a moment. "Thanks, Scotty."

God damn it, Mark's smile does things to Scott. Even when he has no color on his face, and is glistening with sweat.

Mark tries to stand up, but loses balance. Thankfully Scott is there to catch him. "I'm sorry. I'm so dizzy."

"It's okay, I've got you," Scott says. He slings Mark's arm over his shoulder and they make their way through the party, rather quickly. Scott had asked them to keep the path clear until Mark was gone, not wanting him to have to fight the crowd.

When they get to the car, Scott helps Mark into the passenger seat. He makes his way to the drivers seat and shuts the door. "Sorry in advance if the motion makes you sick. Just across campus, right?"

"Mhm," Mark hums, "Thanks again, Scott."

It's only a few minutes before they get to where Mark's dorm is. They get in and Mark is on his bed within minutes of arriving.

Scott puts 2 water bottles, a gatorade, and some crackers at Mark's bedside.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything else?" Scott asks.

"I just need to go to sleep. Thanks again, Scott."

"No problem. Text me if you need anything."

Once Scott leaves, Mark can't stop thinking about how sweet Scott was to him for the past 30 minutes. How he was his top priority, and for what? To make sure he was doing okay? He was willing to leave his own party, and risk getting sick, just to make sure Mark was comfortable.

He feels a blush rising to his cheeks as he continues thinking about it. He's always so quick to say no, he doesn't like Scott like that, but really, he didn't know.

Now, he knows.

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