chapter 20

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marky💞: hey baby?

scotty🥰: hey sweetheart!

marky💞: so my mom...shes thought about it and she wants to meet you

scotty🥰: okay angel
scotty🥰: that's completely up to you, i'll stand by your side in whatever you need me to do

marky💞: i think i want her to meet you

scotty🥰: okay sweetheart
scotty🥰: when?

marky💞: she said she would come up to campus this weekend

scotty🥰: :)

"Are you okay, honey?" Scott asks. They're in the car, outside of the restaurant they're meeting Ms. Manio at.

Mark exhales. "I'm nervous," he says, "But this needs to be done."

Scott nods. "Are you ready to go in?"

Mark nods. "As ready as I'll ever be."

They walk into the restaurant, Scott following behind Mark.

"Mom?" Mark asks, and Ms. Manio looks up.

"Mark," she says, "You look good."

"Thank you," Mark says, a small smile on his lips. "Mama, this is Scott. My boyfriend."

"Hi, Ms. Manio," Scott says.

Ms. Manio looks at Scott for a long moment. Neither of them can really read her expression.

"Mom, I know you're still figuring out how you feel about me liking boys, but I love Scott, and he makes me really happy," Mark says. "And if you can't deal with that, we're leaving right now. I'm sorry."

Scott quietly grabs Mark's hand to let him know he's moral support.

"He loves you," Ms. Manio says, "Scott, is his name?"

"Yes ma'am," Scott confirms.

"I can tell you love my boy very much," Ms. Manio says, "And I'm still learning what I think of the gay community, but I can tell that you love my son, and that you make him really happy."

"Mama, he makes me so happy," Mark steps closer to Scott, and Scott wraps an arm around Mark's waist. "I love him, and he loves me."

Ms. Manio nods. "Sit down, boys. Lunch is on me. Scott, tell me about yourself."

Scott shuts the car door after he sits down, only to find himself being pulled into a kiss.

As soon as it ends, Mark speaks.

"That went so well, baby!" He says, "Thank you for being there."

Scott giggles at Mark's excitement. "Of course, honey. I love you and I'm glad that you two are getting off to a good start."

"Me too," Mark says. "I love you," he goes in for one more kiss.

"Do you still want to stay at my place over the summer?" Scott asks, grabbing Mark's hand. He rubs it gently with his thumb, knowing it soothes him. "You know the offer is still open."

Mark smiles softly. "Can I?" He asks. "I may be getting off on the right foot with my mom, but, I'm just more comfortable...and I'm more, myself, being with you," he says.

Scott smiles widely. "You're always welcome at my place," he says. "I think I'd miss you too much, anyways."

"Me too," Mark says.

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