chapter 17

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After Mark's mom continuously calls him for a week, he blocks her number. He doesn't want to, per say, but he also doesn't want to deal with a mother who's so unaccepting of him.

scotty🥰: babe
scotty🥰: babe what the FUCK

marky💕: yeah honey? everything ok?

scotty🥰: you have to warn me before you just post that:-((
scotty🥰: i think i'm gonna passsssssout
scotty🥰: babyyyyyy you're so beautiful

scotty🥰: you have to warn me before you just post that:-((scotty🥰: i think i'm gonna passsssssoutscotty🥰: babyyyyyy you're so beautifulscotty🥰:

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scotty🥰: why won't it let me like it more than once😩
scotty🥰: you're so 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

marky💕: baaaaaaaby stop!!
marky💕: you're making me blush :(((
marky💕: i love you🥰

scotty🥰: i love you too sweetheart
scotty🥰: brb making this my wallpaper for the rest of my life

marky💕: about damn time
marky💕: you've been mine for a few weeks now

scotty🥰: i'm sorry i didn't realize our PHONE WALLPAPERS were a competition

marky💕: they totally are. i'm the better boyfriend

scotty🥰: oh hush

Incoming Call: scotty🥰

"Hello?" Mark answers.

"It's not a competition!" Scott says.

"And you had to call me to say that?" Mark asks.


"Or did you just want to hear my voice?" Mark teases.

"I...yeah, that too," Scott says. "You got me."

Mark laughs, and Scott smiles as a result.

"God, I swear you have the most perfect laugh," Scott says. "It's not fair."

"Well come here and make me laugh, then," Mark offers, "I wanna kiss your stupid face."

"I can't, sweetheart. I have homework. Also, my stupid face?"

Mark sighs. "After?"


Mark smiles, knowing he won. "Text me when you're on your way."

Scott sighs. "Yeah, okay."

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