A narrow escape

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Alandria watched as the door moved a little and then her heart dropped. The door was not opening itself...it was just moving because of the wind. It was so old and worn out that a breeze was enough to make it move.

"Alandria..." Zayden said in a throaty voice.

He still had her pinned on the hard floor, his hands pressed on her wrists...but there was something different about him now...his hands...they were cold. It was almost like he was freezing.

Zayden's breathing was also uneven. As uneven as hers. Alandria could even feel his body shake a little.

"Are you...." she started, but then stopped dead.

She was going to ask her captor if he was feeling ok? How dumb could she be!

"Alandr...." Zayden continued, this time his voice shook and he put all his weight on her. 

He had fallen on her, "Wha....what are we doing.....here....?"

What kind of question was that? Didn't he know that it was him who brought her here and... to traumatize her....?

Zayden was heavy, that she was sure of. She felt like a tonne of blocks was kept on her. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was too thin and weak. It was also the first time that a guy was on top of her...in that position...

"G....get off!" she breathed as her cheeks went pink.

All sorts of steamy scenes from the romantic novels she use to read started coming to her mind.

It was not difficult to push him away no matter how heavy he was because he was... lifeless...

Alandria felt a wave of relief sweep over her as she pushed Zayden away before running towards the door. Finally! She was saved! That cruel monster was away from her!

She quickly turned  the door knob and the door opened itself immediately with a loud crack sound. She put one foot outside and then paused.  Why couldn't she leave? But the most important question was why was Zayden not following her...or yelling at her or something? She turned around and saw Zayden...lying on the floor, his head on his right, his eyes watery and his body shaking.

"Zayden...." Alandria whispered.

*What the hell no! He is crazy! Get away from him! NOW! It could be a trick!* her brain was yelling in despair.

*No...I can't....*

*Bitch this is no movie! Get the hell out of here before you die!* her brain yelled.

*No....this does not seem right....something is wrong with him...* Alandria protested.

*FINE! GO WITH HIM! IF YOU DIE DO NOT BLAME ME!" she felt her brain say.

She gulped and walked towards the lifeless young man slowly. Very hesitantly, she knelt down to him and looked at his face carefully. He looked like he was about to have a cardiac arrest or something of the sort...Alandria had never seen someone act this way before. Did Zayden have cardiac problems? No...it could not be...but then again she did not know so well. He did keep his life very private.

She knew it was not probably a good idea, but she outstretched her hand and touched his face....

"AHHHH!" she had let out a loud cry, her heart beating frantically.

Zayden was still lying on the floor, but he had grasped her hand tightly and was now trying to tell her something.

"Hel....help me....I feel...like....suffocat...ing....."

Alandria did not need to be told twice! Zayden needed help! He was dying! But why was she trying to save the man who was trying trying to torture and kill her a few seconds ago? She should leave him! He did not deserve to be saved! He tried to kill her!

"Leave me alone..." she said suddenly as she pushed his hand away and left the room as rapidly as she could.

She walked quickly in the corridor, her heart hammering in her chest. Was it the right thing to do? Was it the right thing to do?, she kept asking herself, What should she do?

She had reached the end of the corridor.  She stopped again.

"Oh what the hell man!" Alandria yelled in rage and ran back towards Zayden.

She burst open the door, which hopefully did not break and ran towards Zayden. She was only doing this because he was a human being! Nothing else! This man did not deserve to be saved!

"Alandria!" Zayden half smiled as he put his hand in front of him, begging for help. 

He still did not manage to get up.

She felt like leaving him die, but she was not that cruel...

"What is it...tell me..." she said coldly as she sat next to him.

Zayden shifted his head into her lap and looked at her with watery eyes.

"I feel like I'm...dying..." he whispered.

Alandria touched his cheek. It was cold as ice and he seemed to be getting difficulty breathing as his chest heaved.

"I'll help you, come on, get up...." Alandria whispered and helped him stand up.

In a tiny part of her heart she felt pity for him, but she did not want to think too much about that.

She tried to stand up with him, her arm around his shoulders, but failed every time. At her 7th try, she managed to make him stand properly and they took baby steps to reach the infirmary.

"We're here..." Alandria said out of breath.

He was not light!

The exhausted and sickly looking young man let himself fall on the bed as soon as they entered the room. As Alandria was about to look for the nurse, someone in a white coat emerged from behind the curtains.

"Nurse Nia..." Alandria said, "Thank goodness you're here."

Author Note: Thank you for reading! Please don't hesitate to vote and comment! I'd love to hear what you think of this story.

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