The rescue|part 10|

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(Toga's POV)

We're gonna get izuku back me,Dabi,Bakugo,Todoroki,Momo,Uraraka,
Kurogiri,and Shigaraki have a helicopter and we're gonna break Izuku's cell wall and take him form there

He still hade his ear piece and told us which cell he was in

We are currently at his wall and Momo has a bazooka and Bakugo is putting his explosions in it....

(Izuku's POV)

I'm laying in my bed and I see Nezu and the other pro hero's

"Young Midoriya explain yourself for hurting a student at U.A!" My dad said

"I didn't hurt him he framed me~ and my name isn't Midoriya" I said my 'last name' darkly

"Then What is your name!" Endevorwhore said
I chuckle

"Oh~ I forgot to say Allmight how's your son doing?" I said smirking

"W-what are you asking about!" The pros look at him shocked I know he is trying to play it off

"Allmig- oh wait mister Toshinori..." I said darkly at his last name

"How do you know his name!" Kami woods said no wait shouted

"Oh~? He never told you...." izuku said

"What do you mean never told us!" Mt.Lady shouts frustrated

Not even a second later the cell wall breaks and kurogiri's portal is there and toga walks thru I kiss her forehead

"How you and the baby?" I said smiling I watch as Toga touches her stomach and says

"Today the baby's is 4 months!" Toga smiles and waves me to go thru the portal

I turn around to see my 'father' in his skinny form

I smirk and say "congrats Toshinori..."

"Why congrats me?" He said confused

"Your an grandfather..." I say and go thru the portal disappearing

(Allmight POV)

W-what! I can't believe izuku was my son!?.....and it's my fault he's a villain!

Imma terrible hero! I left him and his mother to rot and didn't look back!? I don't deserve anything! I was knocked out of my thoughts

"What was izuku talking about!" Nezu shouts at me

"I-I'm his father....I left him and his mother......I'm such a terrible person!" I had tears rolling down my face

"Even worse! His girlfriend is pregnant and I'm the grandfather of it! Ween it's born it's gonna see me as a monster!?" I said slamming my head against the bars of the cell

It was silent I could feel there sympathy for me Endeavor for some reason I couldn't feel his emotions or sympathy for me I then felt a smirk roll on his face I turn around and my theory was correct he was smirking......

I shrug it off wiping my tears and sitting on the bench outside the cell

"Yagi.....why did you leave..?" 13 asks me I stiffen up and breath in and out



"You cheated on me!"

"I did not!"

"Inko don't you dare lie to me!?"

"I love you why would I lie to you!"

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