Mister Slim Jxmmi

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Third Person POV

Jxmmi decided to head home to clear his head. Going out to party and get wasted was a tempting idea, but he always keeps his promises to his niece.

Maybe not for anyone else, but he loves her and the level of how protective he is of her will definitely be directed to his son when he gets into the world.

This bitch would really consider abandoning the kid when he's born?

This is the question running through his mind the whole time.

"A hoe just gon' be a hoe." He said to himself, after thinking about a song from SremmLife: My X.

"It didn't work didn't it?" Tevin asked him the second he walked through the door.

"Please don't tell J about it, I love my sister in law, but she'll go all Killer Frost on Lyric and I don't want her hands to get dirty." Jxmmi said to him.

"I mean, man, she doesn't even care about the baby." Jxmmi continued.

"Typical bitches... Kayla was pregnant for me once, and she had an abortion, I didn't know and when I found out I was pissed." Tevin said, trying to bring about his point.

"I was willing to try, but the way she talked about Jedi made me want to slap her out of existence."

"You still going with the Stars Wars theme for the baby?" Tevin asked Jxmmi.

"Hey man, it's a cool name."

"Honestly its a unique name for a person." Jennifer cut in.

Tevin flinched at the sound of her voice, while Jxmmi laughed at him.

"What's so funny?" Tevin asked.

"You should have seen your face!"Jxmmi exclaimed and doubled over with laughter.

"C'mon J, don't sneak up on people like that." Tevin said and put his hand over his heart.

"I was trying to do it first!" Swae shouted from a closet he was hiding in. His Thanos gloves on his hands, ready to try and scare Tevin into thinking it was Thanos.

"Wearing Thanos' glove doesn't make you scary babe." Jennifer said to him and pecked his cheek.

"But it makes me feel like Thanos." Swae said and he and Jennifer joined Jxmmi and Tevin on the couch.

"I'm sorry about everything bro." Swae said and patted Jxmmi on the shoulder.

"Yeah, we heard and I won't go Killer Frost on Lyric, that ice has already been directed at Marliesia." Jennifer said and nudged Jxmmi's shoulder.

"Is Jhené good?" Jxmmi asked.

"Yeah, she's asleep, she was bummed that she had to go to bed and miss us trying to get her uncle to scream in fright." Jennifer replied with a laugh.

"Well... Let's go to bed, trying to frighten Jxmmi is going to take a lot of work, so J and I will sleep on it, maybe some pillow talk will give us clever ideas." Swae said and Jennifer flipped him off with a smirk.

"Enjoy!" Jxmmi and Tevin said to them as they went up the stairs.

Tevin's POV

"So you said you got Kayla pregnant before?"Jxmmi asked me.

I groaned, he just had to remember that.

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