Chapter 4: His side of the story part 2

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~Justin's POV

After I finished taking attendance, I told the class to get out a piece of paper and write down 3 things about themselves that they would like me to know. Then write down 3 questions they have about me.

While the class was busy, I thought of reasons why RaeLynn lied to me. 'Was I that stupid enough to believe that a girl my age would enjoy the things I do? Why did she have to be my student? What wrong have I do....'

"What are we supposed to do when we're done, Mr.Knight? A high pitched voice asked.

I looked up and see the red head raising her hand. I think her name is Abigail.

"Well when everyone is finished, you'll pass your papers forward and I'll read the questions and answer them. Is everyone finished?" I reply looking around the room and see a few people nodding their heads.

"Okay everyone pass your papers forward please"

  After everyone had passed up their paper, i began to read some of the questions to the class.

"Okay I'm not going to read the things you wrote about yourselves,that's for me to get to know you with. Okay so first question: How old are you and when is your birthday? I am 24, I will be 25 on July 10."

"Next question : Are you single? Yes I am single ."

"What's my favorite color, food and drink? Blue , pasta and coke a cola.

This continued on for a while until I had answered majority of the questions.


"Okay class that's the bell , enjoy your day and see you all tomorrow." I said as my class began to exit the class. "Miss James , May I speak with you for a moment please." I asked as I saw her about to walk out the classroom.


A/N: Hey guys I'm back so sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm back. Sorry about the short chapter, hopefully you enjoy it. Anyways I'm going to try to update by the end of either today or this week, if possible I'll do both. Okay so enough ranting lol. Comment , Vote , and Share. Merry meet ,Merry bless. Until next time.

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