» 04.

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i was debating wether or not to come to school the next day because my face was still as much in pain as it was the previous night, and the purple bruise around my eye was certainly not not missable. i'm pretty sure i'd get teased or taunted about getting beat up and some prat would end up punching my other eye and claiming that it felt left out. that prat would be calum.

but when i muster the courage to walk through the school doors the next day, people don't laugh at me or anything. they don't make loser signs at me, they actually smile at me. one guys pats my back and says well done. and now i'm confused. i'm most certainly confused when calum stands in front of me and doesn't make any attempt to make my life a misery. instead he simply extends his hand for me to shake, which i do wearily.

"that's for saving my twin sister's life. i was surprised when i heard the news because hardly anyone stands up to scott. so thanks." i'm lost for words honestly i am just gaping at calum trying to figure out if this is real life or not.

"uh that's um okay..." i stammer out extremely afraid that he would somehow hurt me even though he's being nice to me.

then he walks away from me with his wannabe posse following closely behind him and im left alone in the corridor with people still smiling at me. i rush to my locker to bury my head in it.


everyone had been extremely nice to me and it's a lovely change but also quite overwhelming. people actually offered me to sit with them at lunch for god's sake. that's never happened before in my whole life. i refused however. the change in things was too much to take in in such little time.

i was looking around for bridget all day however, as she was the person i wanted to see more then anything. i couldn't find her. it came to the end of the day when i was pouring down with rain outside and i forgot to bring my thinning only waterproof jacket, that i saw her. she was outside the school gate and she waved at me. i looked behind me to see if she was acknowledging someone else. but she wasn't. her siblings have their own transport anyway. i ran over to her and opened the passenger seat before i could get fully soaked by the stupid downpour. oh london, why do you do this for? this wasn't the weather spoken by the weather lady this morning. why did you have to lie for i am so confused?

"hey there, need a ride?" bridget smirked at me and i couldn't help but grin back at her.

"if you don't mind."

"well of course i don't mind helping out my best friend and my hero." bridget winks at me. her words catch me by surprise though. her best friend, am i really her best friend? i see she has a posse, but she's not 100% close to one particular person. also i'm almost sick of being appreciated in school, i actually want to go back to the loser kid that nobody pats attention to.

"yeah about the whole hero thing, how did people know about this rumour?" i questioned her curiously.

"ahh, well someone put it on facebook and that someone is me. you're welcome. i'm hoping nobody is being shit to you in school anymore, especially not my stupid but lovely twin." she glances over to me whilst driving through the rain. i nod my head.

"yeah, he's been awfully nice to me as has the rest of the school. it's really strange. of course i appreciate what you've done but you've exaggerated what i did. i mean i got beaten up. i didn't save you-"

"-listen, if you hadn't taken that punch and screamed like a little high pitched girl, then the guards wouldn't have gotten scott okay? you saved me, you're a hero wether you like it or not. maybe it'll help you get a girlfriend or at least some admirers." she winked at me but in my head i was  about her and only her.

"and about me being your best friend-"

-"i've never ever told anyone about what scott used to do to me. not the airheads i hang out with at school, or the thugs outside of school, or even my family. no body knew because i bottled it up and hoped that i could deal with it on my own. now you came into my life and i felt like i could trust you with that such a big secret. i thought that i could show you what i was really like. and you didn't judge me. so i guess you're my best friend. i love this name, a best friend to bridget rivera but the fact that i've basically been friend zone kills my heart like a bitch. so much.

best friends. oh fab.


 "before i take you home can i take you somewhere first?" i responded with a yes as soon as the question left her lips. i was dreading going back home. it wasn't even a home. a prison more like that i could leave in two years time.

she carried on driving, drumming her black and purple painted finger nails on the steering wheel before having enough of the silence and flicking a button on her stereo on. thirty seconds to mars blasted out and she looks over to me slightly to see my reaction to the song. my massive grin said it all. this is my favourite song by them; hurricane.

throughout the rest of the journey to the unknown destination we sang (more like screamed) along to that truly amazing band.

it felt great to do this with someone, for someone to appreciate the music that i like. i blast songs like this at the orphanage and nobody screams along with me, they scream at me to turn down the apparent racquet. they all listen to pop shit.

it hurts my poor ears, especially that bieber. oh god no.

"so um harry, what do you want to do after college? apprenticeship, straight into a job or university? what field do you want to go in?" bridget asked me curiously, as if she actually cared about my life.

"hmmm, university to get a pgce as i was looking into teaching actually. music and english were like my main options. i know what you're thinking, what's the point in leaving school, to go back to it?" i laughed half heartily but she just gave me her famous half smile.

"no i wasn't going to say that. i can totally picture you as a teacher... mr styles. you'll make a very good one. one of those young cool teachers that everyone admires and fancies." she winked at me and i snorted at that thought. fancy me psht no.

"i can't even get girls my own age, why would any students fancy me?! that's a crazy thought. anyway, so what have you got planned for your life?" i ask her.

"well, i was thinking about going into mechanics because i absolutely love fixing cars and stuff. i'm going straight into a job or do apprentice in a garage place. i also want to open a tattoo parlour because i have an obsession of them."

"that sounds amazing. i'll most defiantly be going to your tattoo place then." i smile at her and she laughs back, in a musical way.

that only makes me love her more.


"okay we're here." bridget tells me once the car stops in a forest area. it's a deserted part of town that i wouldn't ever dream of coming to myself. it looks rough. like a drug dealing place. it's okay i trust bridget that she wouldn't kill me here. she wouldn't do that... right? oh god, oh god.

i climbed out the car following her as she takes the lead, venturing further into the dark and scary forest. i follow her and don't comment but i keep looking back, scared that something would jump out and stab me whilst i wasn't looking. i feel like this is a trap. but i can trust her. i do.

"okay close my eyes and take my hand now. trust me." i trust you i trust you i trust you please butcher me slowly please if i die tell miss casey that i think her ass is hot as fuck and i have nasty dreams about her at night ever since i started college. i hope that when i die i meet kurt kobian and we can write songs together. that would be freaking amazing. i have so many ideas for songs i just can't play any instruments.

i feel her fingers lace with mines and her warmth is overwhelming.

i trust you bridget.

she guides me somewhere that i of course don't see because my eyes are firmly shut to obey her instructions, everything is quiet apart from the sound of our feet crunching on the leaves and twigs on the floor. that was until i heard the sound of running water, a lot of water. i feel something spraying cool liquid on my face and i almost start to panic. but i trust her. i do.

"open your eyes now, um harry." i hear there is a smile in her voice, meaning she's happy to show me whatever it is. it must mean something to her.

i do as i'm told and then suddenly gasp as the forest is now behind us and we're surrounded in a meadow area that i had no fucking idea existed. there was a waterfall at the edge of the forest and i'm pretty sure i'm dreaming. she is grinning loads like a happy fangirling girl, like this little girl at the orphanage so excited to go to a bieber concert. that's what she looks like now to me see my reaction to this freaking amazing place.

"where even are we?"

"this is like my secret hangout. i drive all the way here if i just want to relax, un wind, be away from all the drama that life throws my way. you're actually the only person that's been here with me." the way she tells me that, makes me feel so blessed and special. i'm special to her, i'm finally wanted by someone and it happens to be one of the most popular girls in school, woah.

"it's lovely here. so peaceful." i nod my head in agreement, taking in my picturesque surroundings. it was wonderful.

"yeah, one day i'd like to run away to here. maybe after college or something. i haven't thought it through, just things get really rough some times especially at home, i just need s place to go and maybe call a second home." she smiled in a sad way, sitting down on the meadows, running her hands through their pretty small buttercups and daises in the ground. i perched down beside her, staring ahead at the waterfall.

"you have me now i guess, if you need anything... you know where i am." i tell her in a soft tone that i didn't think she could even here but when she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me close to her i realise she did.

"thank you. thank you for being an amazing friend to me, i don't deserve this at all or even you." she sighs into my large shoulder, if only she knew that she deserves all the happiness in the world and i would do everything in my power to give it her.

and once again i'm friend-zoned.

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