» 08.

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i could see the fury was building up in those beautiful brown eyes of hers, but somehow she keeps the rage in and doesn't explode. that's what really surprises me.

the distance between us stays the same and her eyes scan my body before landing back on my face. i can see a mixture of anger and also concern. how little the amount of concern is compared to the anger, i don't have any proper accurate figures.

"you've changed your tone." she comments through gritted teeth. i gulp slightly, trying to keep my confidence as high as i can. i was hoping she would get offended, storm off in a mood swing way that she always does, and leaves me alone. she doesn't though.

"like-like you did." i try my best to spit it back, in a cold and rude way to make her feel guilty for the way she spoke to me a week ago, but it fails. i got nervous.

she scoffs, "you know i didn't mean any of those words to you." but she doesn't say it in a way that i can actually believe her. she says it in a way like this is all a joke to her, that i'm the joke.

"okay." i say back, tired of always being the one show care in whatever friendship we had. i had to stay strong, only a week left. i turned around and continued to wipe down the tiled floor; i could just tell her eyes were burning into me though. it was annoying.

"what happened to you? did you do this to yourself?" she questions me and i sigh out in frustration.

"you don't have to pretend to care about me anymore bridget, i know how you truly feel about me. you don't need to put on the 'you're my best friend' act. it's done." she looks startled, confused as to why i would say such things to her, then i can see on her face she remembers. her tanned skin pails.

"i do care about you, harry. honestly. i'm not lying. i was just going through something really, really stressful at the time and i took it out on you because you were the weakest. but you were also the nicest to me. nobody ever cared about me like you did and i abused that. i thought you would try again to talk to me, i didn't think i would push you away. i'm sorry harry, i needed you. i-i still do." i turn around slowly to face her and this time i can actually see the emotion in her face as she speaks. bridget rivera apologised to me, you don't hardly hear her ever apologise and here she is. i don't know how to function now.

"i don't know if you're lying-"

"-what happened to your body harry?" she asks me one more time but this time it is more like a demand. like she is firmly instructing me to answer. i don't know if i have it in me to have her laugh at me for being so weak and letting my so called 'carers' abuse me. i don't. i know i don't.

instead i don't reply.


after cleaning the changing rooms and having to try my absolute best to ignore bridget's existence, i started my journey for my long walk home.

seconds later the sleek violet coloured porsche comes into view beside me. she honks the loud horn as if i can't smell her near me. i can always sense her presences. i can't help how i feel.

"harry." her voice is beautiful it always has been. i want to take a minute to stand in the rain and listen to her repeat my name over and over. of course i'm in a rush to get 'home', receive my beatings and then write my next letter to myself.

"harry there's a storm coming, it isn't wise to walk." i groan lightly at her words because they were true. i knew there was one, but my pride meant too much right now. i couldn't give in so easily. i continued to walk and she stayed beside me in her car, looking like a right pedophile. the weather was changing quickly and drizzling rain soon turned to pouring and then hailstone. i felt one hit my neck and slide down my school shirt causing me to wince immensely in pain when it touched one of my open wounds. i heard the crack of thunder and noticed the lightning strike and that really almost made me crap my pants. i looked over to bridget's car and she smirked lightly at me before reaching over to open the passenger door.

Bullying. [HS AU] IIWhere stories live. Discover now