Chapter 7

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I finished cleaning up and I changed into black jeans and a Star Wars oversized t-shirt. Ruby, Rebekah and Katie still weren't up. I grabbed two bottles of wine that they drank last and I clinked them together loudly.
"Fuck sake what the hell?" Ruby sat up with squinted eyes and looked at me while Rebekah and Katie groaned.
"Get up now Ruby." I said and dropped the bottles into the bin bag.
"Where were you?" She asked as she sat up.
"At Harrison and Tom's room." I said.
"And you didn't answer your phone at all."
"No I didn't because I was enjoying my company."
"Oh I'm sure of it." She scoffed.
"We need to pack and I'm going to be hanging out with them again tonight and you are welcome to join." I said.
"No I'm okay with Rebekah and Katie's company." She smiled pettily.
"Well just as well I've cleaned up for you all. I made a pot of tea and laid out some paracetamol for you guys. You're welcome." I grabbed my handbag and my phone and was about to leave.
"You're not my mum Gabi!" She shouted.
"I know. But you sure act like a child, and I'm the only person who'll take care of you." I said and I left the room.
I texted Tom to see if I could come over, he said yes. I smiled at my phone and then walked up the stairs to his room. I knocked once and Tom immediately opened the door before I could knock again.
"Well hello Thomas." I smiled.
"Hello Gabriella, come in," he smirked.
I walked in and Harrison was sitting on his phone.
"Hey Haz," I smiled.
"Oh hey Gabs, is Ruby joining us?"
"Uh no." I said awkwardly.
"Are you guys okay?" Tom asked.
"I'm mad at her because she got shit-faced drunk last night and then I cleaned up the room then made them tea and bought the paracetamol. And she's mad at me." I just laughed at it, actually hearing it.
"That's shit. Well me and Haz were going to go for a look around the shops if you would like to join." Tom asked.
"That would be lovely." I smiled.
We all got ready and left the room. We walked down the stairs and got to the lobby. We were greeted by an army of paparazzi outside.
"Jesus Christ." Tom said annoyed. We started to walk outside and two body guards made a barrier around the three of us as we made our way through the crowd. There were fans too.
I suddenly felt someone pull me away.
"Gabi!" Tom tried to grab my hand but I couldn't grab his in time.
"Ow!" I yelped as the person pulled me into the barrier.
"Stay away from Tom or I'll fucking kill you." A woman's low voice spoke in my ear then pushed me away. I fell to the floor. Tom picked me up.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Uh...yeah I'm...I'm fine, just panicked." I said as he walked with me and the guards tightened around us.
We finally got out of the crowd.
"That was eventful." I joked.
"Yeah it was." Harrison added.
"Where shall we go for lunch then?" Tom asked.
"Your guys' call. I have no idea where anything is around here."
"Hmm. I say pizza?" Harrison asked.
"Oh yeah I could go with pizza." We both looked at Tom.
"Pizza it is then." He smiled.

After lunch we walked around the shops and I was a photographer for most of the day. We came across this singing Spanish duo that were singing 'Despacito'.
"Hey come dance!" I held Toms hand.
"Noooo." He moaned.
"Come on! It'll be fun!" I joked.
"Fine." He huffed. We walked closer to the singers and I put in a $10 note. They nodded in thanks and I smiled. I grabbed Toms hand and I started
To teach him a basic salsa dance.
"Forward, back, side, side. That's it Tom! Now just move your hips like mine." He tried to copy me but he was confused.
"Just do it and I'll watch then I'll get it." Tom said. I let go of his hands and started dancing. A few whoops from different onlookers were coming my way and the singers were amused.
"Des-pa-cito." I sang and danced. Tom laughed at me and Haz filmed me as he was laughing.
"Come on!" I shouted on Tom. He shook his head. I looked around and I saw a guy looking at me amused. I offered him to come over to dance he ran over to me and I taught him the same as Tom. He got a hang of it really quickly. He spinned me around and dipped me as the song finished. We laughed and clapped to the singers.
"Nice to meet you I'm Colin." He held his hand out. He was English.
"I'm Gabi, are you from England?" I shook his hand.
"I am, born and bred in South-West London." He smiled.
"No way! I'm from Kingston." I smiled.
"Wait what!"
"Yeah, I have a dance academy." I laughed.
"What's it called? I might know it."
"Gabriella's Dance School. GDS." I laughed.
"No way! My daughter goes to your class! Maria Pierce!" His eyes widened.
"Oh my god yes! Maria's amazing! What a small world! I've never seen you before!" I laughed.
"Her mother usually takes her there and back." He nodded.
"Oh okay, well can I get your number? We could meet when we both get back." I laughed.
"Yes I'd love that." We exchanged numbers and said goodbye and I turned back to Tom and his face looked annoyed.

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