twenty one.

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"So, let me get this straight," I shake my head, completely filled with confusion, "You want to put to Ghost Rider inside of you?"

"Yes." Coulson nods, as if it's that simple.

I look from Steve, Tony, Nat, Bucky, and all of the SHIELD agents, seeing none of them as perplexed as I am, "This is a joke, right?"

"Ghost Rider is the only one who may be able to kill Aida," Steve explains. I sit back in my seat, the blanket Bucky brought in for me covering my lap. My torso burns as I sit, but I really didn't want to be cooped up inside the med bay. Not when we're so close to ending all of this. "But she thinks that it's just Robbie. She doesn't know that its the thing inside of him that she's afraid of."

"I won't be able to get within a hundred feet of her before she teleports out," Robbie shakes his head. He grips onto the chain that's tied around his body.

"But you've referred to this thing as a demon, yes?" I scoff, "So now we're just passing it along like a talking stick? Everyone is getting possessed now?"

"We have to kill Aida," May reasons. Her expression is unreadable, her posture strong and tall, "I think it's a dangerous plan, but it's the only shot we got."

I sigh, biting my lip. I look up at Buck, who is already watching me. I raise my shoulders just to drop them, "Alright. What's the play, then?"

"Robbie transfers the Rider to Coulson," Steve starts, his hands gripping onto his belt buckle, "And we go back to SHIELD HQ."

"That still doesn't seem like such a bright idea," Nat steps in. Finally. Someone with some common sense. "We're all wanted right now. Avengers and SHIELD included. Not to mention that people really believe that Adelaide gusted Mace apart."

I bite my lip, looking down. I feel Buck's hand on my shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles on the skin that is being revealed from my tank top. Because Mace was crushed by a building in the Framework, his bones were shattered here. I don't understand how that is even possible, but the only logical explanation to the dull minded creatures that is the United States Government, is that I had gusted his bones apart.

"She's going to come after the Darkhold," May reasons once again, "We can't fight her in the air, and we need to distract her."

"Distract?" I question.

"Fitz and I are going to go into the breaker room," Jemma starts to explain. Fitz stands back, his arms crossing his chest as his head is hung low, "But it's not going to be really me. We're going to send in a LMD."


"Because we know that Aida is most likely going to find and teleport to Fitz first," Cap points out, "Daisy and Fitz will program the LMD to complete the mission. They will go to the breaker room and draw her in there."

"Aida will most likely try to kill Jemma in order to get back at Fitz, which is why we're sending in the LMD," Coulson continues, "And while that is happening, I will be stationed in the back supply room where the portal Aida created is."

"The one she made to bring Robbie's uncle to the other dimension?" I clarify. They all nod. That really feels like a lifetime ago.

"Barnes and Steve will be there too, for backup," Stark adds, "I'll stay outside the breaker room with the real Simmons to make sure everything goes to plan."

"Romanoff and May will search the base for any other bodies and other potential threats or androids," Steve finishes.

"What should I do?" I question.

"You're sitting this one out," Cap shakes his head. I groan, slumping into the seat. I wince at the pain but pout through it to make it clear that I am not happy with being benched.

indestructible. ✪  ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now