chapter five

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It had been a two weeks since Caitlin was at his lab, but Barry still couldn't look at his desk quite the same. He'd just be writing up another dull report, like how he was now, and then he'd remember her sitting on his desk all prettily, the sound of everything on it getting jostled as he thrusted into her, her nails digging desperately into his back, the unrestrained moan she tried to muffle into his chest...

He shook his head, trying not to think of these things at work.

Caitlin Snow was honestly something else. She was continuing to surprise him every day, and not just with their agreement either, but by how much she'd been letting him in lately. They've been talking a lot over the takeout dinners he keeps insisting on bringing over each time they decide to hook up. And over the faux dinner dates, she had been becoming so open and sharing things he doesn't think she's ever told anyone else - stories ranging from the poodle she had when she was a young kid to her home life during her father's illness. He loved each and every one of those conversations just as much as the sex (maybe even more, if he was being completely honest).

Suddenly his phone buzzed continuously against his leg, indicating that someone was calling him. He fished the device out of his pocket, a smile taking over his face as he answered.

"Hey, Cait," he greeted easily, but he was only met with frantic hollering.

"Barry, there's a massive fire across town on Birmingham street!"

At his personal physician's urgency, Barry immediately jumped to his feet and flashed his way to STAR Labs to retrieve his suit. Cisco already had live-coverage of the massive fire on one of the screens in the cortex - it looked like it was already too out of control for the firefighters.

"You want to come with me?" he asked Caitlin, pulling his cowl over his head.

He saw a flicker of hesitance pass over face, and it pained him how little faith she had in her abilities. Caitlin was fully capable of controlling her powers - and had been for a couple years now - but she seldom went out into the field, claiming she was more useful behind the scenes.

"You could really help the firefighters by cooling things down while I go to save the people," he said, hoping to nudge her into joining him.

"Barry, tons of people are trapped in a fiery building!" she said, gesturing to the live feed of the disaster. "By the time I get dressed, the whole building could collapse."

Her rationalization was sound, but Barry only smirked. "Good thing you're teaming up with a speedster then, right?" he said, giving her a knowing glance.

A recognition shone in her eyes. "But-," she huffed, throwing her hands in the air in defeat. "Fine!"

With a smug grin, Barry flashed to grab her Frost gear. He was back before anyone could blink, whirling her around in circles as he changed her, her "Caitlin" clothes flying across the cortex.

"Good?" he asked her as he completed his task, skidding to a stop.

Caitlin gave herself a look over, before sending him a stern expression as she morphed her brown hair and eyes into Frost's signature white. "Let's go."

"Dude, did you - did you just change Caitlin?" Cisco confusingly hollered, but Barry ignored his friend for the time being as he picked Caitlin up bridal style and ran them to the scene.

Even from a distance, the duo could see the smoke rising out from the building. As he ran closer, it only got worse looking - fire was gorging out of every opening and the structure was slowly crumbling. The firefighters were fighting a losing battle.

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