Movie dates

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Monty POV

I fall back on the bed, out of breath, sweating. I look over to see Winston on the bed next to me with his hair all messed up and cute.

"So... am I ever gonna get to take you on a date?" He said to me. "No." I replied. I saw the disappointment in his face. He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him.

"If anything I'll be taking you out on a date." I smiled. He giggled. Giggled. "Damn I gotta keep this boy." I said to my self.

"Okay." He said with the biggest smile on his face. He laid his head on my chest, tracing over my chest with his finger. I intertwined our fingers as I watched him drift off into sleep. I soon found myself falling asleep while thinking, "Now where am I gonna take him on a date?"

Time skip: Morning

I woke up and saw Winston still asleep. I watched him for a few minutes while playing with his hair. He fluttered his eyelashes before slowly opening his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said softly. He just looked up at me smiling. "What? I said.

"Nothing it's just- you've got the best morning voice." He said making me smile. We continued to have small talk before I decided it was time to leave. I got up putting my clothes on and looked at him. He was truly beautiful. "Hey." I said. "Our date, I'll pick u up at 7." I said.

"Cool. Where are we going?" He said back. I was hoping he wouldn't ask that.

"Look... I don't really wanna go anywhere that public. I'm not really out yet so I was hoping we could just go to the movies." I said hesitant.

He got up (still fully naked I might add) and kissed me. It was just a quick peck but still a kiss. "That sounds perfect" he said. I nodded and left. But not without giving that perfect butt or his a quick squeeze.

Time skip: 6:30 pm

I put on my best clothes after taking a shower. I  did my hair, brushed my teeth again, and looked in the mirror. "Descent" I said looking at myself. I realized what time it was and got in my car to go to his house.

I got there in 20 minutes, after traffic. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. He answered. "Sorry I know I'm early I just didn't want to be late and mess this up." I said. Then I  eyed him up and down. He was wearing white jeans, and a blue shit that the sleeves went down to his elbows.

"Like what you see?" He said. I blushed and said back "yeah." 

We got in my car and went to the movies. We bought our tickets for "it. Chapter 2" and got popcorn. There were a lot of pop scares in it, and every time there was one he would move a little closer to me. It was adorable. He was adorable.

At one point our hands reached in to get popcorn at the same time and of course, we ended up holding hands. Every time there was a pop scare he squeezed my hand. I put my arm around him and pulled him close. He cuddled into my side for the rest of the movie.

At the end of the movie we went back to his house. "So, did I do good for our first date?" I asked. "You did perfect. I mean... you could have picked a slightly less scary movie but whatever." He said with sarcasm.

"You were adorable. All scared like that. Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." I said laughing a bit. He blushed. He was adorable when he blushed.

I had to kiss him. I couldn't held myself. So I did. At first it started off slow, then it got heated. I snuck my tongue in his mouth after squeezing his ass. I pushed him up against a door. And let's just say, kissing wasn't all we did that night😏

My first Monty and Winston one shot.😬 how was it? Any requests? Smut? I won't know if y'all don't comment

Love u guys❤️❤️❤️  (if anyone reads this)


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