Morning cuddles

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3rd person POV

It was about 7 am. School was about to start. Winston and monty were cuddled up on the right side of the bed. Winston's back was pressed up against Monty's chest and Monty's arm was draped around Winston's waist. There fingers were intertwined and they were both soundly sleeping.

Then all of the sudden... BEEP BEEP BEEP

The alarm clock went off. Winston shifted in his sleep while Monty just tightened his grip around the smaller boy. "Mmh...don't get up." Monty grumbled.

"I have to turn it off." Winston replied. Monty loosened his grip a little just so Winston could reach out to turn it off. "Holy shit! It's almost 7! We are gonna be late!" Winston said getting up to find clothes completely ignoring the fact that he was naked. Monty had a perfect view of the ass he had previously banged.

"Let's just say home today." Monty said making the grabby hands for Winston.

"No we will get in trouble."

"They can't get us in trouble if we aren't there." Monty said with a smirk. Winston stopped and thought for a second then said "no."

Monty then got up and walked over to him still naked too. "Cmon babe..." he whispered into Winston's ear lightly biting it afterwards. He kissed his neck, jaw, cheek, then lips.

He grabbed his ass when Winston said "ow... babe I'm still sore."

"Sorry baby." He said with a chuckle. Monty lifted Winston's legs up and and Winston wrapped his legs around his waist. He brought him to the bed and set him down crawling on top of him.

He kissed his jaw looking at Winston's neck, he then laughed a little. Winston has probably 6 hickeys on his neck. "What?" Winston asked confused.


A few minutes later after making out Winston laid his head on Monty's chest. He gave close mouthed kisses on Monty's chest. Then traced around on his chest.

All of the sudden Winston's friend bursted through the door. He looked around at the room. Stuff was knocked down, clothes were on the floor, and the blankets were draped over their waist leaving their chest exposed.


"You really wanna know?" Monty said with a smirk on his face. " I'm good forget I asked." He said disgusted. Not in a way that he was homophobic but in a grossed out way.

"I'm guessing your not coming to school?" He said.

Before Winston has a chance to answer Monty said, "He's not. I'm planning on banging him again so... get the fuck out of here." He said.

Once he left Winston turned around and practically laid on top of Monty. He kissed him, deeply, Monty kisses back. Of course. Then other stuff happened...

I'm writing smut next probably

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