Chapter 1

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Claire's P.O.V

I woke up to the most annoying sound in alarm on my phone. I really hate school I said to myself as I turned off the alarm. I got ready for school and then went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey mom, whats for breakfast" I asked. "I'm making some pancake, want some" she asked as she flipped a pancake. "Yes please I'm starving" I said and my mom laughed.

"Okay so remember what I told y-" my mom said but I cut her off. "Yes don't get kicked out and try to make a friend got it- oh shit if I don't leave now I'm going to be late, bye" I cut myself off and and was about to leave when...

"Hey!" my mom said "what about the pancakes". "I'll just grab a granola bar" I grabbed a granola bar and rushed out the door it was 7:40 A.M and school started at 8:00 A.M and I already make it to school.

"Jesus that was fast I thought I would be late cause I was taking my time walking here" I said to myself. "Oh well I guess I could get my schedule while I'm here".

I walked to the office to get my schedule. "Hi my name is Claire Cartha and I'm here to get my schedule and locker number and code" I said to the secretary. "Oh hello my name is ms.smith and oh yes here you go dear" she said as she handed my schedule and locker number and code to me. "Thank you, bye ms.smith.
"Goodbye dear" she responded as I left the office.

Where the fuck locker 123 I thought as someone taped me on my shoulder.
"Oh hello" I said as I saw a girl standing there. "Hi I couldn't help but ask if you need help I guess your new here I'm Sarah Locklie nice to meet you" she said "Hi Sarah I'm Claire Cartha and yes I'm new and I can't find locker 123" I said as i rubbed the back off my neck nervously. " Oh that's easy that's right next to mine my locker is 122, here let's go" she said as we went to the locker.

" Can I see your schedule" she asked. "Sure" I responded as I handed her my schedule. "You have me in math class which is the first class of the day". " Oh, okay let me grab my math book, I'll follow you into class" I said to her and she responded with an okay and left for math.

Just then I took out my math book and went to class I ran into someone and dropped my books. I went down to pick up my books when some shouts "Hey, watch it !!" I picked up my books and said "The only thing you need to watch in that mouth of yours".Then he just rolled his eyes and walked away."Bitch" I whispered and walked to math class.


I really hope you enjoyed the chapter 1. This is my first book so please don't hate on me.

Follow my instagram: chloecoll5566

Also It would mean so much to me if you could share this story xx
Thank you xx

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