chapter 2

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Heyyy everyone I know it's been a while 😅 and I'm very sorry but I'll be 100% keep track of this story hope you enjoy 💓

Claire's pov

I walked into math class and look for a empty seat there was only 2 seats left so I walked to the nearest one I placed my books on my desk till I got a tap on my shoulder

"excuse me 'ms I run into  everyone I see' this is my seat now move before I make you" whispered the mysterious boy that I ran into the hall with this morning

"Look dude I don't know who you are or who you think you are talking to me like that but you can take yourself and your big ass mouth to the empty seat over there cause last time I checked I didn't see your name here" I whispered back and I could sense a shiver going down his spine

He looked and me a smirked and walked to the other seat and the bell rang

"Good morning students" Mr benado said "its new year a new month and a new day and Surprisingly we have a new student her name is Claire cartha"

ugh this is embarrassing I could feel everyone's eyes on me even the mystery man..God kill me

"Claire would u like to say a few things about you" Mr benado asked "ehm s-sure" I stuttered I could hear mystery man and his friends laughing, I took a deep breath and stud up "hi I'm Claire cartha, I got kicked out of my old school and now I'm here, I love to read books in my spare time and listen to music" I quickly sat down and the class continued on till it was over

Bell rings

I quickly got up out of my seat and headed to my next class and I felt a large hand wrap tightly around my wrist I looked up to see it was and it was mystery man "oh look who's running into people now" I said with a smirk "oh shut up you" he angrily whispered "I just wanna know if u know what to do for the homework" he said straight forward

"eh ye I do you have to do the fractions part A 1-5" I replied "good" he said satisfied "here's my copy" he handed his copy to me "and what do u want me to do with that" I said having it in my hand confused "your going to do my homework princess" he said smirking "homework ?!?! Princess ?!?!" I said confused "yes your going to do my homework" he replied

"And what makes u so stupid to think I'd actually do your homework" I said pushing the limits "because princess" he whispered pushing me up against the lockers "what ever I say, goes I run this school, im a very dangerous man every single person in this school is fearful of me and my friends and you wouldn't wanna go down that road with me" he said letting go of me and walking away

I study there is absolute shock..dangerous ?!? What's he talking about dangerous and telling me not to go down that road with know exactly what I'ma do right now...

"Ima go down that road with him" I said with a wicked smirk and walked to my next class


heyyy everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter make sure u follow to keep up with my chapters byee 💓

Alsooo tysm on 480 readsss 🥰 it means alot to me I'd appreciate if you share this story with friends they wouldn't wanna miss this rollercoaster ride with Blake and Claire (also I'm thinking of doing a mafia/gang book if anyone's interested leave a comment 💓)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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